
Aug 30, 2009– Dec 9, 2009

When God calls us to Himself, He does so for a very specific purpose. God will never do something great through us until He does something significant in us first. He wants to use someone whose heart is completely His.

Nehemiah was a normal, everyday, average guy who was living a posh life. But he develops a dislocated heart for God’s people, has a radical faith and a courageous soul, lays out a strategic plan, exercises personal commitment and has a profound ability to adapt as both a practical and spiritual leader. His heart breaks for God’s people and he does something about it.

Does God really have a purpose for you?

If you give yourself to Him, He will plant a seed inside you that will grow into a holy discontent – an issue in your life that wrecks you – and you just have to be a part of it. If you let God have your whole heart, He will mess with your life, and like Nehemiah, He will use you to impact the world in ways you could never even imagine.

In This Sermon Series

Supplemental Resources

As you reconsider the pages of Nehemiah, here are a few resources to aid in the journey of finding and pursuing your Holy Discontent.

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