Weekly Sermons

Matthew 9:9-17 / Relationally Healthy, Inclusive Community

October 9, 2011
Brad Bell
This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Jesus intersected Matthew’s life and reoriented the relationships he had with other people. Business colleagues, friends and family became opportunities for Matthew to point to the person and work of Christ. The Pharisees were upset that Jesus ate with such "sinners," but Jesus saw them as authentic, sick and honest. They are the ones He came to seek and to save. Matthew's life change is not behavior modification or based on religion, but an example of what happens when Christ comes into our lives and changes us. We can be a light for Christ to our neighbors, friends, and families by the simple act of being intentional about cultivating health in our relationships where we live, work, and play.


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