Our Story

Living room meeting The Well Community Church began in 2002 in Fresno with 40 college students huddled in a living room. We asked ourselves, what kind of church would we want to be a part of? And we answered on a whiteboard with words that read: Authentic. Theologically old-fashioned (but still cool). Simple. Small groups. Ministry in teams. Healthy families. Missional. High in innovation. Service. Worship. Community care. Sound biblical truth. Spirit-led. Inclusive in community. Strong in leadership.

Still holding true to those values nearly two decades later, The Well is a multigenerational, multisite church.

Our mission is to help people connect to God and to each other in every neighborhood.

Why The Well?

Reading John 4 for the first time as a non-believer, most likely hungover and far from the Lord, I found a passage where Jesus intentionally takes a road through the mountains of Samaria and stops at Jacob’s well. He interacts with a Samaritan woman, a social outcast with no husband, though she had had many. She was shacking up with another guy once again, and knowing this, Jesus extends much grace and kindness. He shows her such dignity and yet speaks truth.

If Jesus is this Savior who loves people that are shady, people of less-than reputable character, people who have made bad decisions, in other words, have blown up their lives already… if this Jesus does care for the broken, and can restore the broken like He did her, maybe, He can do that for me.

We want to be a church that always shows grace to those who come. Come just as you are, but let’s not stay as you are because the gospel transforms. We will lean into the transforming power of Christ and allow the gospel to set us free from our sin and suffering and walk in intimacy with Him.

Brad Bell, Elder and Lead Pastor

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