
We believe in prayer – the power of it, the power in it and the power it has to change you.

Prayer is basically a conversation between you and God. It is a back-and-forth exchange of talking and listening that is an essential part of your relationship with Him. John 3:16-20

And Jesus prayed (Luke 5:16). A lot (Luke 6:12).

As a follower of Christ, who is striving to live as He lived, your prayers matter (James 5:16b).

We encourage you to spend time praying as you go about your day. Praise Him, thank Him, ask Him for guidance, and pray for the people in your life, that they may know Him.

Prayer Requests

Would you like prayer? We have a team of volunteers that meets regularly to pray for the needs of people in our church. Submit your request(s) by filling out the form on this page.

Would you like to talk with someone about your prayer request(s)? Fill out the form on this page and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to talk with someone regularly about the issues in your life, our Counseling Center is here to help.

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