Life Group Details

Travis & Heidi Falany

Married Couples 2 Spots Available

Wednesday at 6:00 PM
Clovis and Nees


  • Heidi Falany
    Heidi Falany
  • Travis Falany
    Travis Falany


This group is open to married couples in their late 30s/40s with children.

We are a newer group. We have only been together for 1 year. We are a fun group of people that strive to live in community with other believers.

Childcare: No childcare is available. 

Mission Statement

How we connect to God: Various studies from books or sermons from the Well. Prayer time for each other weekly.

How we connect to each other: Dinners, game nights, fellowship with others outside of group time.

How we live on mission in Every Neighborhood: Serve together perhaps quarterly on the weekends at local schools/charities.

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