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Current Events & Announcements

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Jul 20-26 OR Aug 3-9

To accommodate the incredible growth we’ve experienced as a church this year, Hume Lake Summer Camp will take place across two different weeks this year: July 20th-26th OR August 3rd-9th. (We are now offering a second week at Meadow Ranch and Ponderosa from August 3rd to 9th!) 

Registration Days

Registration for July 20th-26th and Wagon Train is FULL. Registration for August 3rd-9th will open Monday, March 24th at 9am.

Wagon Train
  • Registration Day: March 2nd at 2pm
  • $759 for students who will be in 4th-5th grade in the 2025-2026 school year
    • Registration FULL

    Meadow Ranch
    • Registration Day: March 24th at 9am
    • $869 for students who will be in 6th-8th grade in the 2025-2026 school year
      • Register for August 3rd-9th HERE 
    • Registration Day: March 24th at 9am
    • $839 for students who will be 9th-graduated seniors in the 2025-2026 school year
      • Register for August 3rd-9th HERE

    Please note that the grades selected on registration will be looked at and verified with prior attendance and profile history, and if the grades do not match, the registration will be removed, and you will be placed on the waitlist for the correct camp.

    A non-refundable deposit of $150 per camper is due upon registration. The remaining balance will be due in three additional payments.

    • April 7th : $200
    • May 5th : $200
    • June 9th : Final Balance Due

    Additional payments can be made in any increment at any time by logging into your Well account.

    A MANDATORY health screen for all leaders and campers attending Hume Lake will be held on July 19th. Once we have a confirmed time, we will notify all registered families.

    Busing is not provided to help with costs. You will need to either drive your child to and from camp or arrange alternative transportation.


    Scholarships are available, but we ask families only to apply if their child cannot go to camp without financial assistance in order to save the funds for families that truly need it. Scholarship applications can be completed here. Scholarship applications must be received by June 16th, 2025. We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your application with the amount you’ve been approved for.

    Email shaina@thewellcommunity.org with any questions.

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