Recommended Resources - Session Audio Nov 10, 2007 Jerrod Rumley The Well''s recommended resource list.
First Touch Training - Audio Sep 15, 2007 The Well An interactive training to equip First Touch members with information they need for a Sunday. We will discuss how our team can better help new and old guests feel welcome…
Prayer Sep 15, 2007 Paul Haroutunian It is both a privilege and a responsibility for believers to come to God in prayer. However, it can sometimes be more of a frustration than a joy. If you…
Five Big To Do's Sep 15, 2007 Don Simmons The Well's very own Don Simmons expresses to Life Group Leaders and Coaches Five Big Action Steps to focus on this year in community. This breakout is specifically directed to…
Bible Study Methods Sep 15, 2007 Mike Slayden It's been said that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. In…
Shepherding Community Sep 15, 2007 Jerrod Rumley The principle of shepherding people is critical for leaders in ministry. What does it mean? How does it affect our lives? Who are the people that I shepherd? We will…
The Need for Development Mar 10, 2007 Brad Bell The Need for Development by Brad Bell on March 10, 2007
Leading Those Under You Mar 10, 2007 Don Simmons Leading Those Under You by Don Simmons on March 10, 2007
Leading Those Over You Mar 10, 2007 Mike Slayden and Brad Bell Leading Those Over You by Mike Slayden and Brad Bell on March 10, 2007