The Sayings of Wisdom Part 1: Proverbs 22-24 (Tuesday Evening Panel) Apr 10, 2018 Ashley Ploen, Rose Torres, Melissa Costa, Ashley Berry, Lisa Roberts This week’s study of Proverbs will be different than previous weeks. We will continue in Solomon’s proverbs starting in chapter 22, but rather than reading each proverb in its entirety,…
The Way of Wisdom Part 2: Proverbs 16-21 Apr 4, 2018 Melissa Danisi While traveling through Israel, following behind a Hebrew tour guide who had walked this road many times, we were anxious to see where he was taking us. The road was…
The Way of Wisdom Part 1: Proverbs 10-15 Mar 21, 2018 Ashley Ploen These first few weeks of studying Proverbs has really been about nine chapters of warning. The main warning has been regarding why we need wisdom and what we need to…
The Personification of Wisdom: Proverbs 8-9 Mar 14, 2018 Melissa Danisi Do you know someone who embodies wisdom? Who comes into your mind when you think of someone wise? What are they like? How about their personality, temperament, character, speech and…
The Warning of Wisdom: Proverbs 5-7 Mar 7, 2018 Darlene Hanson After our first week of study, we should be left with the overwhelming realization of our need for wisdom. This week, we will be left with our need for wisdom…
The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs 1-4 Feb 28, 2018 Melissa Danisi “We are all being discipled by something.” This quote I heard years ago stuck with me and helped me see I was being influenced and taught by so many things…
Proverbs: Overview and Background Feb 21, 2018 Melissa Danisi Not everything is in the Bible, but everything you need is in the Bible. – Rick Taylor His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life…
Psalms of Praise Nov 15, 2017 Yvonne Downs How wonderful to end our study in praise and worship! We’ve done so much work to get here. We’ve given thanks, lamented, repented, waited, and now we end our study… Women
Messianic Psalms Nov 8, 2017 Darlene Hanson The Messianic Psalms are where we find a direct reference to the Messiah and can find the fulfillment of the passage in the New Testament. They refer to the Messiah… Women
Psalms of Ascent Oct 25, 2017 Jessi Silva The countdown at Times Square on December 31 just before midnight.Joining a funeral procession.Standing to sing the “National Anthem” at a stadium.Christmas caroling. These types of experiences cause people to… Women