The Well Blog

Trusting God in the Grey

January 7, 2016
BaCall Burns
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

I really like to tithe. I don't know if that's a good thing or a weird thing. I say that because I like all things to be under control, to know exactly what's expected of me and to be able to do those things easily and quickly. And that's exactly what tithing is – or so I thought.

See, I struggle in knowing exactly what God wants me to do. I think many people do. (Or at least I hope it's not just me.) Like what does forgiveness actually look like in real life? What does it mean to extend grace? Or how do I have healthy boundaries and not be selfish? These things plague me constantly. I want DESPERATELY to know exactly what it means to obey God and how to do it. But I have this problem. I have a need to really understand what to do, what it looks like and every little detail before I act. So sometimes I don't do anything at all because I don't know where to start or understand exactly what I'm supposed to do. I suppose faith and trust come in here somewhere. Oh, man.

All that to say, tithing seemed very straightforward to me. You give 10% of your income. That I could do! Yes, it is money and I wouldn't have it anymore, and that’s difficult, but it was something I could physically do, and I could do it right and obey the Lord. Let me tell you, I was stoked! Plus, it’s all His anyway. So while I'm over here trying to figure out all the messy stuff with the Lord at least I was obedient in something, right? Right?

Then came a curveball: moving in with the in-laws to take on paying off our debt full time and as intensely as we possibly could. Luke, my husband, thought maybe we should do something a little different with tithing during this time. Immediately the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I bristled. What!? Could he actually be suggesting we don't tithe? I thought he had lost his mind or at least his faith. (Dramatic, I know.) He asked me to chill out…grrr…and hear him out. I will admit I wasn't that friendly about listening, but I did try. He talked to some Christ-followers we really respect, and they suggested maybe tithing wasn't such a perfect formula.

So we decided to spend some time praying about it and seeking the Lord before we made any decisions about our new budget. It REALLY stressed me out! Thankfully God led me to Himself. I picked up my Bible and did a search on the words tithing and giving. I was shocked at what I found. I felt the Lord lovingly whispering to my heart that not everything – or maybe nothing – fits into my perfect little box. Maybe faith and being obedient is a little messier than I thought.

God showed me giving is important and that He loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). He also showed me giving during this time might look different than it has before. The most important thing I felt God showing me was that I could trust Him to show me when and how to give, not just with money, but with my time and talents. And He has been so faithful. I have occasionally stressed about what and how to give, but He clearly reveals the times He wants us to give. It has been messy and does not fit in the nice neat box I want it to, but we are trusting the Lord.

God wants us to give generously, sacrificially and without guilt. Seek the Lord in how, where, and how much He wants you to give with your time, treasure and talents. He is faithful to answer.

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