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Student re:gen
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Student re:gen

Clovis Campus February 17th6:30-8pm

RE:GENERATION for Students is for anyone in High School (9th-12th) who is seeking God’s help with the brokenness in their life and is willing to lean in and begin the process of healing. This 13-week curriculum will introduce you to life-changing truths given to us by God through the Bible. New friends will encourage, support, and inspire you. Committed and deeply caring leaders, who have been through re:gen themselves, will guide you with teaching and personal stories of healing.

Meetings are Mondays starting February 17th from 6:30-8pm at our Clovis Campus

Due to limited leadership, spots are limited. All spots are considered tentative until you receive a confirmation email from the High School Pastor. This requires a commitment to the re:generation process, including attending every meeting, and doing homework daily. There is a $30 for the workbook.


How is RE:GENERATION for Students different from the adult version of re:generation?

The student program is much shorter and is offered in sessions with defined start and finish dates. While re:generation can sometimes last around one year, the RE:GENERATION for Students program is only 13 weeks. This program is designed to offer a basic introduction to the steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible. 

Can I register if I don't go to the Well?

Yes! RE:GENERATION for Students is for anyone in grades 9th-12th who is seeking God’s help with the brokenness in their life and is willing to do the work required by this 13-week program. If you’re ready to get well, you are welcome at RE:GENERATION for Students.

What happens at a typical RE:GENERATION for Students meeting?

Testimony and Teaching (30 minutes)

Most weeks begin with a testimony from a Step Group Leader or former participant followed by a time of teaching which outlines and explains one of the steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible.

Step Groups (60 minutes)

Step Groups are arranged by age and gender, and have up to 8 students led by 2 adult Step Group Leaders. In Step Groups, participants share what they are learning in book work as well as challenges or questions they are facing. This is a place for each participant to be known, accepted, and encouraged to continue walking the steps toward healing.

Book Work

Throughout the week, participants complete a curriculum of 3 lessons per week and a “footprint” that serves as a marker for their progress toward healing. Lessons are designed to help students more fully understand the steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible. Each lesson is followed by an inspiring written testimony from a former participant. As an additional resource, “issue sheets” will be available to help students learn more about specific struggles.

How can parents or other trusted adults be involved?

Participants are required to bring at least one parent or trusted adult to the first meeting of the semester. During this orientation meeting, we will discuss best practices for supporting a student going through this program. Additional copies of the curriculum can be purchased at RE:GENERATION for Students meetings for $20 each.

What results should I expect to see after participating in RE:GENERATION for Students?

This program does not promise a quick fix. Students who fully engage with the curriculum should expect to learn about love, goodness, and power of God and how to - over the span of a lifetime - daily walk the steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible.

Are participants able to remain anonymous?

This program is not committed to strict confidentiality or anonymity. Students who participate should expect the church to follow the Bible’s guidance to care for them and take action as advocates for their healing, health, and safety.

We will notify the appropriate authorities (parent or guardian, law enforcement, etc.) immediately if we have any suspicion that a student is facing imminent danger or demonstrates a pattern of behavior that could endanger them in the future. (Matthew 18:5-6, Proverbs 31:8)

As required by law, we will report any allegations or suspicions of abuse or neglect to the California Department of Family and Protective Services. (Romans 13:1)

We will encourage students to submit to the authority of scripture and to share with others in the body of Christ as the Bible directs. For example, biblical practices like confession and making amends will call students to have conversations with people outside of this program. (1 Corinthians 12:25-27, James 5:16, Matthew 5:23-24, 1 John 1:7)

Who is leading this program?

The Well staff member overseeing RE:GENERATION for Students is our Valley College Director, Ka’eo Yoshikawa along with support from the High School Pastor, Josh Manning and Director of Regeneration, Dave Obwald. The program is led by a committed team of Well members who have completed re:generation or spent time serving with Well Students. The Well requires all potential leaders who have expressed interest in working with students to complete the following steps before placement as a Step Group leader:

  • Step One: Screening Process

Leaders are required to complete an online application followed by a face-to-face interview. A leader must be an active member of the Well before being eligible to serve in positions providing access to students.

  • Step Two: Criminal Background Check

The Well requires that all leaders wishing to serve in RE:GENERATION for Students undergo a criminal background check.

  • Step Three: Policies & Procedures

Leaders are required to review our safety policies and procedures and sign a statement of acknowledgment and agreement indicating that he or she has read and understood the material, and agree to comply with policy requirements.

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