Global Extended Family

Global Extended Family are part of our church body who have responded in obedience to a call to serve the unreached. They live and work in a particular nation building relationships, rooting themselves in the culture, and providing various forms of ministry, all the while meeting a physical, emotional or educational need over time. With a heart to change their whole life for Christ, they are an extension of the work and influence of our church.

We take the responsibility of walking with our Extended Family very seriously. We are called to support, encourage, restore, and celebrate what God is doing in and through them overseas as they share the gospel and make disciples in places few Americans have seen.

Debbie Tingley Serving in Thailand

Debbie Tingley Serving in Thailand

Debbie is partnering with Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF) and Lanna Foundation in Northern Thailand to begin the Hands to Heart Women's Cooperative. Debbie is working with hill tribe women to build leadership and entrepreneurship skills, as well as, building trust and relationships to share the Gospel. She’s also the liaison for Lanna Foundation to raise awareness of the work ITDF is doing as well as advising the new Lanna Cafe in Thailand to build marketing strategies for the cafe and the farmers that grow the coffee. In all this Debbie’s heart is to share Jesus and to walk alongside women who decide to follow Him. 

The Griffiths Serving in West Africa

The Griffiths Serving in West Africa

The Griffiths are serving with Ethnos360 to help people connect to God and to each other in their neighborhood in West Africa.

They arrived in West Africa in 2012. They have studied two national languages and connected with a local body of believers in the capital before starting their work amongst an unreached people group in a remote village.

Currently, Del recently acquired proficiency in this language and Arielle is close to attaining language proficiency in this people group. Del will turn his attention towards understanding the culture, language analysis, working on translation of the Holy Scriptures, literacy, and teaching the Scriptures. With the goal of seeing a group of disciples formed that then go and form other groups of disciples

Larry Serving in West Africa

Larry Serving in West Africa

Larry brings 40+ years of cross-cultural Kingdom ministry with a global organization on three continents to the Extended Family partnership. After several years of fellowshipping with our La Fuente Spanish gathering, including an active role on the worship team, Larry is now in a West African context. He is learning the trade language before progressing on to the heart language of a highly unreached people group. 

Building upon a lifetime of worship participation, Larry seeks to use his music and cross-cultural background to come alongside a largely illiterate people group in his West African setting. As he gains fluency, he also desires to accept a West African pastor’s invitation to help prepare West Africans for their cross-cultural ministry to this and other people groups.

The R Family Serving in South Asia

The R Family Serving in South Asia

Inspired by looking at a map of peoples who had never heard the good news, the R family decided it was worth any cost, even death, to share it with them. Specifically looking at South Asia, a nation where there are hundreds of people groups (nationalities) who have never heard the good news, they decided to make it their life mission to join in the greatest story of all time and bring the good news to them.

Together, the R family organizies clinics in remote villages where thousands of people are receiving free medical care coupled with the good news. Multiple villages have also developed gatherings to read and study this news further. Despite the danger, the R family is determined to reach as many people as possible in this dark nation in South Asia.

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