Women's Bible Study Teachings

Women's Bible Study

Week 3 - Jude 3-4

February 26, 2021
Melissa Danisi
Jude 3-4

This week we’ll cover one of the most significant themes in the book of Jude: contending for the faith. These short two verses show the importance of why contending for the faith in today’s culture matters. We are living in a time with many teachers who distort, dilute, or distract us from the true gospel. It's harmful to us as believers and we must learn how to be rooted in God's truth in order to contend in today's culture. Our hope through this study is that our ability as women to discern truth from a lie and to walk with others in grace and love would increase. Jesus, our only Master and Lord, is the only One worthy of true honor and glory and it’s a privilege to contend for the faith He brought us into.

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