Week 2: Saying Yes to Seeing: Elizabeth Sep 18, 2019 Melissa Danisi Elizabeth’s life teaches us that when we allow God to collide into our lives, we can have a faith that flourished in both barrenness and blessing.
Week 1: Introduction "Saying Yes" Sep 11, 2019 Pattie Krohn Untangled: Through God's Word, He is saying Yes to us through Jesus-the Word made flesh! Through our study of the gospels, the love of God is intended to collide into…
Week 10: Exodus 35:1-40:38 Apr 3, 2019 Melissa Danisi Wrap Up and Glory! The people of God remember, repent, and renew their commitment to the LORD. We end our study looking up and recalling why we serve, why we…
Week 9: Exodus 32:1-34:35 The Golden Calf Mar 27, 2019 Molly DeFrank Moses comes down from the mountain to find the people of God forgetful and disobedient. In just a short time we see the people whom God has redeemed turn back…
Week 8: Exodus 28:1-29:46; 31:1-18 Those Who Minister and Build Mar 20, 2019 Melissa Danisi God not only cares about the construction of the tabernacle and its contents, but he cares about the priestly line mediating between Him and His people. We’ll see the people…
Week 7: Exodus 27:1-21; 30:11-38 The Tabernacle Part 2 Mar 13, 2019 Ashley Ploen The Lord desires the people of Israel to know and experience His holiness and His glory through the construction of the tabernacle and contents of the outer court. They point…
Week 6: Exodus 25:1-26:37; 30:1-10 The Tabernacle Part 1 Mar 6, 2019 Ashley Ploen God’s specific instruction to His people in the building of the sanctuary displays His love and affection. Each specific instruction shadows a truth about Christ, the One who would choose…
Week 5: Exodus 20:12-24:18 The Book of the Covenant Feb 27, 2019 Melissa Danisi God calls His people to live distinctly. His law shows how He cares for our worship, all of human life, our stuff, our holiness, and His glory. The way we…
Week 4 - Exodus 20:12-21 The 10 Commandments Part 2 Feb 20, 2019 Melissa Danisi Loving God and Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself
Week 3 Exodus 20:1-11 The 10 Commandments Part 1 Feb 13, 2019 Melissa Danisi This week we see the beginning of the covenant and commands for God’s people given to help them flourish in fellowship with Him. The 10 commandments help us see the…