Week 10 - Saying Yes to Standing: The Women at the Tomb Nov 13, 2019 Melissa Danisi Week 10: Saying Yes to Standing: The Women at the Tomb. When Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection collide into our own, we get to go out and do the same…
Week 9: Saying Yes to Standing: The Women at the Cross Nov 7, 2019 Pattie Krohn If we get a view of the Cross & from the Cross we will be forever changed.
Week 8: Saying Yes to Serving Oct 30, 2019 Jessica Visser Week 8: Saying Yes to Serving: Martha and Mary. Jesus’ entered Martha and Mary’s home not to be made at home but to prepare the sisters for their eternal home.…
Week 8: Saying Yes to Serving Oct 29, 2019 Ashley Ploen Week 8: Saying Yes to Serving: Martha and Mary. Jesus’ entered Martha and Mary’s home not to be made at home but to prepare the sisters for their eternal home.…
Week 6: Saying Yes to Sacrificing Oct 16, 2019 Melissa Danisi This week we’ll see how Jesus displays grace for both the sinner and the self righteous. We’ll see the Sinful Woman scandalously anoint Jesus’ feet and find a greater scandal…
Week 5: Saying Yes to Stopping Oct 10, 2019 Melissa Danisi The Woman at the Well. When Christ's divine grace encounters our sin, suffering, and shame He will transform us into true worshippers.
Week 4: Saying Yes to Seeing: Mary Oct 2, 2019 Patty Krohn Mary brings Jesus into the world that Jesus might take her to the Father’s World.
Week 3. Saying Yes to Seeing - Mary Sep 26, 2019 Pattie Krohn God gave to Mary, and you and I through Mary, the exact gift needed to see our hearts and the guarantee He can change them.