Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Friday - Day 7Luke 23:46 Mar 26, 2021 Anna I hope that this week of slowing down the last moments and words of Jesus has been fruitful for you. Each phrase that he spoke as he endured this painful… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Thursday - Day 6John 19:29-30 Mar 26, 2021 Pattie As we have experienced this week, some powerful events happened as Jesus took our place on the cross: hate is met with LOVE, Paradise is promised to a criminal, and… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Wednesday - Day 5John 19:28 Mar 26, 2021 Melissa Danisi Wedged in between Jesus calling out to God about being forsaken and just before He declares "It is finished" he says two words: I thirst. While this could show the… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Tuesday - Day 4Mark 15:34 Mar 26, 2021 Ashley Forsaken so we could be forgiven. On the cross Jesus cries out the same words David penned in Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?" This… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Monday - Day 3John 19:26 Mar 26, 2021 Rhonda At this point Jesus has been brutally tortured and nailed to the cross. He is in excruciating pain, but in the middle of his suffering he looks down and sees… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Sunday - Day 2John 19:26 Mar 26, 2021 Jess As the mob of mockers and murderers are still gathered around, Jesus has a brief interaction with the two criminals hanging beside him. One joins in the mockery while the… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Saturday - Day 1Luke 23:34-36 Mar 26, 2021 Pattie Over 2,000 years ago the fullest extent of human sin was met with fullest expression of God’s LOVE. The human history of rebellion against God reached its height when we… Teaching Series
Passion Week: Final Words-7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross - Friday - Intro Mar 26, 2021 Melissa Danisi Welcome to the series we're calling: Final Words: The Last 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross. For Holy Week, we want to spend each day slowly meditating on the… Teaching Series
Week 6 - Jude 17-23Jude 17-23 Mar 19, 2021 Melissa Danisi This week we turn the corner in the book of Jude back to the reminder that we have been called, beloved, and we are being kept. Jude reminds us we…