This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.
Happy Summer!
Jessica here, from Students International-Costa Rica (SICR), also Extended Family for The Well. I wanted to share a quick summer update!
We (SICR) are at the beginning of our busy team season. I have been able to start our new ministry site called Women’s Health and Fitness, a.k.a. “Girl Time.” I have been blessed to have two teams of young women that were a part of our ministry site the past couple months. I also have Hannah Thomas, a Global Intern, joining me and serving with me this summer. As our site has grown, she will continue to be a blessing to me and SICR.

Since we are in a larger community center, we are now able to offer various functional exercise classes Tuesday through Friday mornings. On average, there are 25-35 women each day, and new women are continually joining.

The women truly feel ownership of the community that is being built within the women’s fitness group. It’s been neat to see how God is paving the way to make our ministry thrive. We have an organized cleaning team to help me sweep and mop before our sessions, and each woman contributes about 40 cents per class or $1 per week. All of this money goes toward buying new materials, and we also use this money to share fruit once a week after exercises. It is encouraging to see how so many women are growing in their self-confidence, surprising themselves in their progress and performance, and are learning to love taking care of their health.

We started yoga classes that we will do every Friday after our workout session. In the future, I also hope to start a Bible study with the women to be able to form a stronger community with Christ at the center.

A huge shoutout to all those that have donated materials and have assisted with the development of our women’s ministry. Thank you for all of your prayers, excitement and support through our ministry. You have been a vital part of the work God is doing here!