Interview With Teen Challenge Mar 14, 2018 The Well Join us as we highlight some of the incredible work God is doing through Teen Challenge.
Dr. Fitzalbert Marius Feb 14, 2018 The Well Facing discrimination through his time serving our country in WW2, performing over 15,000 heart surgeries, having multiple published books, tailoring clothing…the list goes on. Our special guest, Dr. Fitzalbert Marius,…
Vision, Awareness, & Strategy Jan 10, 2018 The Well Using examples from Nehemiah, Pastor Brad Bell walks us through having a plan and executing it. Do you have a vision for the type of man God has called you…
Spiritual Leadership Dec 13, 2017 The Well Pastor Brad Bell walks us through spiritual leadership and the Lord’s command to a man to lead his family. First, we must submit to God, then can learn to submit… Men
Sickness, Healing, & Recovery Nov 8, 2017 The Well Rusty Karraker sits with friends Dave Obwald and Mike Chastain to chat through sickness, healing and recovery, and how to walk in it with others and with the Lord. They… Men
Friendship, Community, & Accountability Oct 11, 2017 The Well Pastor Brad Bell communicates the importance of having authentic friendship, community and accountability. Men
Adultery Sep 13, 2017 The Well Pastor Brad Bell walks through Proverbs 5, 6 and 7, giving men a biblical insight to how adultery happens. Marriage Men