Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 12 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
Hebrews 12:1-11 / Endurance Sermon 12 years ago Faith Race Society/Culture As a new year begins, we want to take the opportunity to reset our attention toward Christ. January typically brings a litany of resolutions that we forget about by March…
Culturally Engaged: Comfortable or Obedient? Article 12 years ago Society/Culture Sitting in a Starbucks on a Sunday morning, it impressed me to see so many people hanging out, discussing news and life, while enjoying a day without scheduled work. I…
Should Christians Isolate from or Imitate Culture? Article 12 years ago Serving Society/Culture The Well currently in a season of highlighting the idea of what does it mean to not serve on a day, but to serve God every day. We call this…
1 Corinthians 7:6-11 / Don’t Play Games with God Sermon 12 years ago Marriage Relationships Society/Culture In a broken world where we are all broken people, what is God’s best for you wherever you are now? What if you are single and you are content being…
Theological Truths of the BibleYear 1, Semester 2 Semester 13 years ago Bible Evangelism Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through the primary teachings of the Bible. As a student, you will see why these teachings are important to your daily living and how…
The New Poor of Fresno Article 13 years ago Society/Culture Time Magazine just released a short video called The New Poor of Fresno. Much of the footage was taken from around the Susan B. Anthony community where The Well has…
Culturally Engaged Article 13 years ago Society/Culture This blog post is part of the series from the Spiritual Formation team walking through The Anatomy of a Disciple. This post will give you a brief snapshot of what…
Pergamum - The Worldly Church / Revelation 2:12-17 Sermon 20 years ago Society/Culture Sermon on the church of Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17