Who Is My Mother? Who Are My Brothers? Sermon 2 years ago Adoption Redemption Relationships Why are questions important in the Jewish context? This summer, we are examining why Jesus asked what he asked and what it revealed about the people and situations around him. …
Judah's Blessing Sermon 3 years ago Faith Leadership Redemption Relationships In Jacob's final words to his sons, what he says to Judah stands out. Judah's life reveals that even a person steeped in depravity can turn to God to experience…
Reunion & Reconciliation Sermon 3 years ago Redemption Relationships The family reconciliation continues as Joseph and his father Jacob are reunited after 22 years of separation. W e, too, await a great reunion with an even greater Heavenly Father…
Reconciliation in Egypt Sermon 3 years ago Grace Redemption Relationships Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers is a snapshot of an even better Jesus, who pursues us to reconcile us to himself not because we deserve it but because his heart…
Confession & Repentance Sermon 3 years ago Grace Relationships The upper story and lower stories collide when Joseph's brothers return to Egypt. We see shadows of what confession and repentance can look like when Judah takes ownership of his…
Meanwhile, Back in Canaan Sermon 3 years ago Redemption Relationships Meanwhile back in Canaan, Joseph's brothers relay what happened in Egypt to their father, Jacob. This brings Jacob to confront his closed-handedness with God and ultimately brings him to a…
Prepared to Forgive Sermon 3 years ago Healing Peace Relationships When the famine brings Joseph face to face with his brothers, the fruit of his desolation is revealed. Instead of choosing the easy path of vengeance or retaliation, Joseph is…
Facing the Past Sermon 3 years ago Relationships Chapter 33 is about Jacob facing his past. Although it is painful, facing the past is necessary, as demonstrated in Jacob and Esau's reconciliation.
Redemption on the Threshing Floor Sermon 4 years ago Faith Redemption Relationships Naomi instructs Ruth to visit Boaz on the threshing room floor. Through their exchange, we witness the relationship between Ruth and Boaz flourish despite the brokenness surrounding them. Their meeting…
Abundant Relationship with God Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Relationships After the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees all fail to disprove Jesus, they send in an expert of the law to test Him. His response illuminates what it truly means to…
Life After Death Affirmed | Matthew 22:23-33 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Marriage Relationships After the Pharisees and Herodian's questioning fails to disprove Jesus, the Sadducees attempt to disprove Him with a hypothetical scenario. Jesus's response confirms that there is life after death and…
Biblical Divorce | Matthew 19:1-12 Sermon 5 years ago Marriage Relationships When asked about grounds for divorce, Jesus refers back to the creation account. He shows us that understanding God's original design for marriage is key when discussing this topic.