Feeding the 5000 Sermon 10 months ago Faith Grace Redemption Theologically, meals are significant. The Bible begins and ends with a meal, starting with the tragic eating of fruit and ending with the redeeming marriage supper of the lamb. This summer, we…
The Shaping of Simon Peter Sermon one year ago Anger Grace Redemption When Simon encounters Jesus, everything changes, including his name. Through his encounter, we see Jesus's grace and patience in shaping us as Christians, just as he shaped Peter into a…
Has No One Condemned You? Sermon 2 years ago Grace Shame The only one actually qualified to condemn someone is the sinless Jesus, yet He offers transformation instead. Grace is radical and transformative and should inform the way we view ourselves…
Do You Love Me? Sermon 2 years ago Doubt Grace Redemption Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" three times, redeeming the three times that Peter denied Jesus. Jesus asks a simple and searching question to restore relationship and purpose.
Reconciliation in Egypt Sermon 3 years ago Grace Redemption Relationships Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers is a snapshot of an even better Jesus, who pursues us to reconcile us to himself not because we deserve it but because his heart…
Confession & Repentance Sermon 3 years ago Grace Relationships The upper story and lower stories collide when Joseph's brothers return to Egypt. We see shadows of what confession and repentance can look like when Judah takes ownership of his…
Measuring Jacob's Life Sermon 3 years ago Grace Purpose Redemption Was Jacob's life a failure or a success? As Jacob reflects on his own life, we see that his failures and shortcomings don't determine God's view of him. You don't…
Like Father, Like Son Sermon 3 years ago Grace Redemption Isaac can be seen as a spiritual failure and a failure as a father, yet God did not set His love upon us because we are deserving. God chose us…
Where is the Lamb? Sermon 4 years ago Faith Gospel Grace If one verse summarizes the entire Old Testament, it is this: "Where is the lamb?" When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, Abraham trusted that God would…
The Rich Young Ruler | Matthew 19-20 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Grace There is no special place of influence or honor in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus uses two parables to communicate the lavish grace and incredible love of God that blows…
The Gift of Incarnation / Luke 2:1-20 / Philippians 2:5-11 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Grace The scandal of the Christmas story is that we have a holy God who incarnated for a fallen mankind. God, in His grace, in His love, did not leave us…