Has No One Condemned You? Sermon 2 years ago Grace Shame The only one actually qualified to condemn someone is the sinless Jesus, yet He offers transformation instead. Grace is radical and transformative and should inform the way we view ourselves…
Behind the Mask Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…
Andrew Feil Story 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…
Called Out of Hiding Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Healing Hope Mental Health Peace Sexuality Shame My life was a lie, hidden in the darkness of my shame and guilt from a lifelong addiction of pornography and sexual fantasy. I withdrew for fear that I would…
My Paradigm Shift: His Strength in My Weakness Article 9 years ago Mental Health Shame Have you ever replayed a bad decision over and over? Have you had a bad parenting day or walked away from a conversation wishing it had gone differently? I personally…
Roots, Then Fruit Article 11 years ago Mental Health Pride Shame My wife Judy and I were excited to buy a home in Clearwater, Florida, but it came with a barren backyard. After talking it over, we decided to plant a…
1 Corinthians 4:14-21 / Tough Love Sermon 13 years ago Fatherhood Kids Shame Suffering Loving people isn’t about telling them what they want to hear; it’s telling them what they need to hear – in a spirit of gentleness. Paul writes tough words of…