Mental Health, Depression & Anxiety Panel 3 years ago Depression Fear/Anxiety Mental Health Hear from panelists including Ben Carr, LMFT, answering your questions on mental health, depression, and anxiety.
Teens and COVID-19 Article 4 years ago Community Covid Depression Grief/Loss Mental Health Parenting Students Parents, check on your teens. They are struggling. In this new world that we’re living in, we may be feeling the weight of this new reality. We may be feeling…
Survival Tips for Sudden Loss of Freedom Article 4 years ago Covid Grief/Loss Mental Health Suffering If you stop and think about it, life is all about change and how you adapt to it. You change your clothes daily; you change your bedsheets less often and…
Anxiety and COVID-19 Article 5 years ago Covid Depression Fear/Anxiety Mental Health These are troubling times right now. The feelings of loss of control, just not knowing what is happening next, or how long this pandemic will last can create anxiety. Anxiety…
Love Your Neighbor During COVID-19 Article 5 years ago Community Covid Fear/Anxiety Mental Health Serving Many are wondering what they can do to help during these uncertain times. One simple way of loving your neighbor is by checking in on them and making yourself available…
My Story - Derek Story 6 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Mental Health God is in the business of transforming lives. Listen to Derek tell his story of God's redemption and grace.
My Story - Michelle Story 6 years ago Anger Fear/Anxiety Mental Health Fear had gripped Michelle's life. Listen as she tells the story of how God came and brought peace.
My Story - Bethany Story 6 years ago Depression Fear/Anxiety Mental Health God loves you. Listen to how God showed his love toward Bethany.
Anchoring Our Hearts to Him / Matthew 6:25-34 Sermon 6 years ago Fear/Anxiety Gospel Mental Health Money Purpose When our eyes move to the things of this world, our hearts follow. When our hearts begin to drift away from God to the things of this world, anxiety comes…
Hope in Death, Sobriety in Life / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Grief/Loss Hope Mental Health Missions Suffering Due to a lack of understanding in their eschatology, the Thessalonians were discouraged and possibly even immobilized in their faith as additional grief set in after the death of one…
Mallory Mueller Story 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Grace Healing Marriage Mental Health Pride Relationships Sexuality My husband and I were married for less than a year when I found out he had been struggling with a sexual addiction. The perfect marriage I had created in…
From Condemnation to Forgiveness Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Grace Healing Marriage Mental Health Pride Relationships Sexuality My husband and I were married for less than a year when I found out he had been struggling with a sexual addiction. The perfect marriage I had created in…