Spiritual Drift Sermon one year ago Faith Sexuality Society/Culture After conquering the land, the eastern tribes return home and build an altar. The rest of Israel assumes the worst and rallies in war against their brothers and sisters to…
A Biblical View of Homosexuality Sermon 2 years ago Sexuality Society/Culture If God's design was male and female in a heterosexual, monogamous, till-death relationship, how did we get where we are today? Join Denny Burk as we navigate the tension of…
A Biblical View of Gender Identity + Q&A Sermon 2 years ago Men Sexuality Society/Culture Women The Bible is clear as to the gender identities being male and female. How did we get to gender fluidity, transgender and gender confusion, and the departure from the Word…
Sexual Confusion & How We Got Here Sermon 2 years ago Sexuality Society/Culture Join Denny Burk for a short history of the evolution of sexuality distancing itself from the plan of God and indulging in the flesh. We will explore Romans 1 and…
A Biblical View of Sexuality Sermon Series 2 years ago Men Sexuality Society/Culture Women Join us for a condensed sermon series exploring Biblical Sexuality with guest speaker, Denny Burk.
Sound Biblical Teaching Sermon 3 years ago Bible Sexuality Society/Culture Paul opens his letter by challenging Timothy to hold to the word of God. Sound biblical teaching holds grace and truth in tension, broadening our understanding of God through His…
Sodom and Gomorrah Sermon 4 years ago Sexuality The purpose of Abraham's waiting is revealed when he is able to pray and intercede for others while Lot is distracted and seduced by the world. This passage reminds us…
God’s Will for Your Life / 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Purpose Sexuality Many of us often ask, "What is God's will for my life?" This passage lays out God's will for us very clearly: that we become more like Christ in our…
A Theology of Marriage / Mark 10:1-12; Ephesians 5:31-32 Sermon 7 years ago Fatherhood Gospel Marriage Men Motherhood Parenting Relationships Sexuality Women It seems the idea of marriage has become more confusing in our culture than ever before. More and more couples are choosing to avoid marriage altogether because they no longer…
Deepening / Song of Solomon 7:1-8:14 Sermon 7 years ago Kids Marriage Relationships Sexuality There’s an excitement with new relationships, but that’s nothing compared to the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with being with your spouse over time. There’s a richness to the connection…
Conflict / Song of Solomon 5:2-6:13 Sermon 7 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality Conflict is a part of marriage, and that’s not always a bad thing. If we can learn to handle conflict with our spouse well, we can start to grow together…
Instant Gratification Article 7 years ago Relationships Sexuality Will these kids give into instant gratification or hold out for a bigger reward?