Stories of Our People: Francisco Pelayo Story 7 years ago Addiction Anger Depression Fear/Anxiety God Stories Healing Mental Health Sexuality When traditions and vices leave us empty or angry toward God, He can even meet us there, as Francisco experienced. God is bigger than our anger, pain, loneliness, depression and…
Three Easy Ways for Husbands to Win this Valentine’s Day Article 11 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality I hear, “Every day should be Valentine’s Day.” I think if you treat it like any other day, it will be just like any other day. So do something fun.…
Keep Your Zipper Up and Other Advice for Singles Article 11 years ago Relationships Sexuality SAFETY IN A PACK When you see a pack of antelope on the Discovery Channel prancing through the forest – it’s never the one in the pack that becomes lunch.…
1 Corinthians 1 - 11 / Previously in 1 Corinthians... Sermon 12 years ago Sexuality The Corinthian church was struggling with relationships, divisions, boasting, lawsuits against each other, immorality, their social statuses (or lack thereof), giving up their rights, their conduct during church gatherings, and…
1 Corinthians 10:1-22 / Behavior, Affections, and Idolatry: The Seduction of the Heart Sermon 12 years ago Idolatry Sexuality What comes first? Our behaviors or our beliefs? Paul explains that our behaviors, actions and decisions are a reflection of something deeper within us. They are an indicator of not…
1 Corinthians 7:1-5 / Your Marital Duty Sermon 13 years ago Marriage Prayer Relationships Serving Sexuality God’s design was one man with one woman for life as the ideal expression of both the image of God, as well as sexual fulfillment for a man and a…
Thoughts from the Study - 1Cor 7:1-5 - Sexuality in Marriage Article 13 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality Here are a few thoughts in prep for 1Cor 7:1-5. As we continue our journey through the filth of Corinth, we are reminded that as deviant as they were, we…
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 / Everyone Else is Doing It Sermon 13 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality Living as a follower of Christ in Corinth was an arduous task. The cultural influence of immorality of the culture around them oftentimes caused the church to live in a…
How to Flee Sexual Immorality Article 13 years ago Hope Sexuality I'm proud to be a part of a church that will deal with biblical texts head on. Today was one of those days as Brad took a familiar text and…
1 Corinthians 6:1-8 / Don't You Know? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Mental Health Redemption Sexuality Suffering Paul reminds the Corinthians that they represent something bigger than themselves, and that their lives are to reflect a glory that is bigger than their own. Yet when defrauded, they…
1 Corinthians 5:2-13 / Dealing with Immorality Part 3 Sermon 13 years ago Sexuality How is the Church supposed to respond to the immorality of unbelievers? What standard do we hold them to and how do we deal with them? The unbeliever’s issue is…
1 Corinthians 5:2-13 / Dealing with Immorality Part 2 Sermon 13 years ago Bible Purpose Sexuality What is the Church's responsibility regarding sin among us? How do we deal with a so-called Christian who lives a life of disobedience? Some have started "inquisitions" while others have…