Living on Purpose Sermon one year ago Purpose We each have an individual part to play within the larger body of Christ. Living on purpose is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life.
Welcome to The Well Sermon one year ago Purpose Here at the Well, we are all about life change. Our mission is to help people connect to God and to each other in every neighborhood. We do that by…
Life Rhythms Sermon 2 years ago Gospel Purpose Society/Culture We all have a way of life. We say no to some things to say yes to others. What would it look like to say yes to the things that…
Who Do You Say I Am? Sermon 2 years ago Faith Gospel Purpose When Jesus asks "Who do you say I am?" He's asking a personal question that requires a personal answer. While the answer to this question has implications on our eternity…
Honoring Employers Sermon 2 years ago Career Leadership Purpose 1 Timothy 6 is often misunderstood because of our context concerning slavery. However, this passage can help shape how we think about being a modern-day employee or employer, serving the…
Spiritual Training Sermon 3 years ago Faith Leadership Purpose A healthy spiritual life requires training and discipline. The end goal of spiritual training is not morality, but an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
Living on Purpose Sermon 3 years ago Purpose We each have an individual part to play within the larger body of Christ. Living on purpose is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life. Interested in diving…
Experiencing Freedom from Sin & Suffering Sermon 3 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose Redemption God loves you and wants to give you freedom. Experiencing that freedom from sin and suffering is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life. If you are interested…
Measuring Jacob's Life Sermon 3 years ago Grace Purpose Redemption Was Jacob's life a failure or a success? As Jacob reflects on his own life, we see that his failures and shortcomings don't determine God's view of him. You don't…
Two Bloodlines Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Purpose After Cain kills Abel, we see the start of two significant bloodlines. The selfishness and tragedy we see through the line of Cain is juxtaposed with faithfulness to God and…
The Original Salvation Plan Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Purpose Jesus is not God’s plan B. From the foundations of the world God pre-determined that this would be his plan for salvation. God knew the fall would occur and that…
The Fall Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Purpose Through the exchange with the serpent in the garden we see humanity's first sin that has lasting impacts to this day. As hard as we may try, there is no…