Missions Blog

Haiti: An Eye-Opening Exposure Trip

August 2, 2015
Adam Olivares
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

God’s pretty smart, isn’t He? As our team talked tonight, we realized yet again that God knows exactly what He is doing. He knew exactly which seven guys needed to be put together on this trip. Each one of us are certainly different parts of the same body. Different yet complementing. We have come together as soldiers in an army, doing battle together, with Christ as our King.

God also knew what He was doing when He exposed us to different parts of this country and culture, one layer at a time. When we arrived last week at the CFM home in Pignon with our hosts, the Monroe family, they began introducing us to the people who help around the house and the pastors of the church. With each passing day, we’ve been getting exposed more and more to the people of Pignon. We’ve had the pleasure of teaching and learning with men at the conference, playing with the children at orphanages, walking around town meeting the families, helping with a work project in a remote church outstation, and seeing the beautiful, remote countryside from the back of a truck, on top of a van and even on the back of a motorcycle.

We were introduced to the men at the conference as they circled us up, came around us, prayed and sang "How Great Thou Art" in their Creole language. So amazing! He also exposed us to the rural outskirts of Pignon, where we saw the half-built homes and the people who are happy to live in them. So humbling! He then exposed us to the children from an orphanage who walked right up to us, grabbed our hands and held them the whole time we toured their facilities. Heart melting! Any one of these experiences on their own could have been a heart-changing experience. But we have had these experiences day after day. Overwhelming? Emotionally wrecking? Maybe, but only if God hadn’t been present every step of the way.

God was in the handshakes and hugs of the men at the conference. God was apparent in the love between the families in the homes. And God was absolutely bursting out of the smiles of the children that grabbed our hands in the orphanage. Yes, God has showed up and personally walked with us through Pignon, Haiti. I pray that everyone, at some point in their life, has the opportunity to be exposed to God among us, like our team has here in Pignon, Haiti.

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