Are You Also Going Away?John 6:67 Aug 14, 2022 Jordan Hogue What do we do when our interests don't line up with the Lord's? When Jesus asks, "Are you also going away?" he emboldens us to respond as Peter did- with… Sermon Series Pride Society/Culture
What Do You Want Me To Do For You?Mark 10:35-40, 46-52 Aug 7, 2022 Mike Cirricione In two instances, Jesus responded to a request with the question “What do you want me to do for you?” One request was motivated by pride, and the other came from… Sermon Series Pride
Who Is My Mother? Who Are My Brothers?Matthew 12:46-50 Jul 31, 2022 Brian Erickson Why are questions important in the Jewish context? This summer, we are examining why Jesus asked what he asked and what it revealed about the people and situations around him.… Sermon Series Adoption Redemption Relationships
Why Don't You Notice The Log In Your Eye?Matthew 7:1-5 Jul 24, 2022 Dave Obwald Many misquote Matthew 7:1-5 as a way to skirt responsibility. However, when Jesus asks the question “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not… Sermon Series Pride Redemption
Why Are You So Afraid?Mark 4:35-41 Jul 17, 2022 Joe Buitrago The Bible tells us that we will walk through trials and that our faith will be tested. But storms always come with a purpose, and the Lord is always with… Sermon Series Faith Hope
Who Touched My Clothes?Mark 5:24-34 Jul 10, 2022 Mike Cirricione We each have our own burdens. When Jesus asks the question "Who touched my clothes?" we see that he responds to pain and suffering with compassion. Sermon Series Gospel Redemption Suffering
Who Do You Say I Am?Matthew 16:13-20 Jul 3, 2022 Joe Buitrago When Jesus asks "Who do you say I am?" He's asking a personal question that requires a personal answer. While the answer to this question has implications on our eternity,… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Purpose
Why Are You Weeping?John 20:1-3, 11-18 Jun 26, 2022 Josh Hawley When Jesus asks the question "Why are you weeping?" He doesn't rebuke our tears. Jesus is there with us in our grief. Sermon Series Grief/Loss Hope Suffering
Has No One Condemned You?John 8:1-11 Jun 19, 2022 Jordan Hogue The only one actually qualified to condemn someone is the sinless Jesus, yet He offers transformation instead. Grace is radical and transformative and should inform the way we view ourselves… Sermon Series Grace Shame
Why Do You Worry?Matthew 6:25-34 Jun 12, 2022 Josh Hawley The Bible does not promise the complete elimination of worry, but it does invite us to bring our worries and anxieties to God. When Jesus asks the question "Why do… Sermon Series Fear/Anxiety