Do You Love Me?John 21:1-17 Jun 5, 2022 Chris Schultz Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" three times, redeeming the three times that Peter denied Jesus. Jesus asks a simple and searching question to restore relationship and purpose. Sermon Series Doubt Grace Redemption
The Questions Jesus AskedLuke 2:41-52 May 29, 2022 Brad Bell Why are questions important in the Jewish context? This summer we are examing why Jesus asked what he asked, and what it revealed about the people and situations around him.… Sermon Series Kids Parenting
The Ordinances of the Church May 22, 2022 Mike Cirricione Why did Jesus institute the practices of communion and baptism? The ordinances of the church are expressions of identity and testimony in remembrance of the unifying work of Jesus. Worship
Paul's Exhortation to Timothy1 Timothy 6:20-21 May 15, 2022 Brad Bell Paul's closing exhortation is for Timothy to guard the truth he has been entrusted with. The Bible is our authority, and just like Timothy, we need to guard what has… Sermon Series Bible Society/Culture
Instructions for the Wealthy1 Timothy 6:17-19 May 8, 2022 Brad Bell Wealth is relative, and we are called to steward whatever God has given us well. Let us fix our hope on God who richly supplies, and rethink what it means… Sermon Series Money
The Priority of the Gospel1 Timothy 6:3-16 May 1, 2022 Mike Slayden Paul warns Timothy against what is still prevalent today: the root issue of false teachers is that they use God and the Church for personal gain. Christ did not come… Sermon Series Gospel
Honoring Employers1 Timothy 6:1-2 Apr 24, 2022 Brad Bell 1 Timothy 6 is often misunderstood because of our context concerning slavery. However, this passage can help shape how we think about being a modern-day employee or employer, serving the… Sermon Series Career Leadership Purpose
Easter SundayMatthew 28 Apr 17, 2022 Brad Bell Online Gathering - This Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and the hope, unity, and peace only found through Jesus. Sermon Series Gospel
Good FridayMatthew 27 Apr 16, 2022 Brad Bell Worship with us remembering the work that Jesus did on the cross. Sermon Series Gospel
Palm SundayMark 11 Apr 10, 2022 Brad Bell On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem in the manner of a Roman Triumph, setting up expectations about what He was going to do. But disappointment follows unmet expectations. Jesus did… Sermon Series Gospel