Qualities of False Teachers2 Timothy 3:1-9 Oct 9, 2022 Mike Slayden Paul walks Timothy through the qualities of false teachers who are leading believers astray. He warns of the dangers of following those who look like spiritual leaders. We must be… Sermon Series Gospel
Handling the Flesh2 Timothy 2:20-26 Oct 2, 2022 Brad Bell The Lord uses our flesh to remind us of our need for the gospel. As followers of Christ, we are free from the mastery of sin but not from its… Sermon Series Community Gospel
Handle Accurately the Word of Truth2 Timothy 2:14-19 Sep 25, 2022 Brad Bell The Bible says what it means and means what it says. In Paul's final written words, Paul encourages Timothy to handle the word of truth rightly. So also, we need… Sermon Series Bible Society/Culture
Soldiers of Christ2 Timothy 2:1-13 Sep 18, 2022 Mike Slayden Hardship and sacrifice are expectations of being a soldier, athlete, or farmer. Paul uses the sacrificial conviction of a soldier, the driven focus of an athlete, and the faithful dedication… Sermon Series Faith Serving Suffering
Prepared to Suffer2 Timothy 1:8-18 Sep 11, 2022 Brad Bell The gospel prepares us to endure the inevitable suffering that is to come as part of choosing to follow Christ. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul lists three means… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Suffering
Paul's Final Words2 Timothy 1:1-12 Sep 4, 2022 Brad Bell Paul is on death row when he writes his second letter to Timothy. As Paul's final written words, the theme of 2 Timothy is faithful endurance to the Lord even… Sermon Series Faith Hope Suffering
Groups & Teams ExpoActs 2:41-47, Ephesians 2:10, Luke 15:4 Aug 28, 2022 Brad Bell The first church was a church of three thousand, yet they cared for their individual members incredibly well. Here at The Well, we aim to do the same by doing… Serving
A Biblical View of HomosexualityRomans 1:26, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:9 Aug 21, 2022 Denny Burk If God's design was male and female in a heterosexual, monogamous, till-death relationship, how did we get where we are today? Join Denny Burk as we navigate the tension of… Sermon Series Sexuality Society/Culture
A Biblical View of Gender Identity + Q&A Aug 20, 2022 Denny Burk The Bible is clear as to the gender identities being male and female. How did we get to gender fluidity, transgender and gender confusion, and the departure from the Word… Sermon Series Men Sexuality Society/Culture Women
Sexual Confusion & How We Got HereRomans 1 Aug 18, 2022 Denny Burk Join Denny Burk for a short history of the evolution of sexuality distancing itself from the plan of God and indulging in the flesh. We will explore Romans 1 and… Sermon Series Sexuality Society/Culture