Preach The Word & Disciple Others Sermon 2 years ago Bible Discipleship Evangelism Gospel As Paul reminisces on what it looks like to live a faithful life in his final epistle to Timothy, he reflects on discipleship and evangelism. A life worthy of being…
The Great Commission Sermon 4 years ago Discipleship Evangelism Gospel Possibly one of the most overquoted yet under-lived passages in scripture, the Great Commission is the pinnacle of the bible in terms of what we as disciples are to do…
Surrendering Our Lives to Him / Matthew 8:14-22 Sermon 6 years ago Discipleship Gospel Healing Jesus continues His ministry of healing, which confirms His identity as Messiah, gives a glimpse of the Kingdom of God to come, and displays His heart of compassion. He also…
Hope for the Next Generation / Deuteronomy 6:4-7 / Psalm 71:17–18 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Discipleship Gospel Kids Peace Students To reproduce spiritually, we must grow spiritually. In order to reach the next generation, we have to strengthen this one. We must grow and be discipled so that when we…
Relationships / 1 Samuel 18:1-5 / 1 Kings 12:1-15 / Romans 8:1-14 Sermon 6 years ago Discipleship Gospel Prayer Relationships Another pattern we recognize in the lives of the kings is the lack of accountable relationships. Overall, they tended to reign in isolation or not to listen to the sound…
Kingdom Generosity / Luke 12:13-34 Sermon 7 years ago Discipleship Generosity Gospel Grace Money God is a generous God and we are made in His image. Nothing we have belongs to us. He owns everything and entrusts us with good things so we may…
A Theology of Suffering / 1 Peter 4:12-19 Sermon 9 years ago Discipleship Gospel Hope As Christians in the West, the idea of being persecuted for our faith – especially to the point of death – can seem very foreign. Even for believers in the…
My Paradigm Shift: It's Not About Me Article 9 years ago Discipleship Marriage Relationships I've had a few paradigm shifts in my life. I remember when I discovered the earth is actually the one that's revolving around the sun, that my family wasn't as…
The Well: A Paradigm Shift / Acts 11:19-30 Sermon 9 years ago Discipleship Leadership Missions We’ve learned a lot in this series, but if that knowledge never makes it from our heads to our hearts, we’ve missed it. So many of us have become spectators…
Cultivating Faithfulness Article 9 years ago Discipleship Faith Relationships Having lived in Southern California my whole life, I wanted to try something new after college. Wanderlust had set in, so I loaded up my old Ford Mustang with every…
Discipleship / 1 Corinthians 11:1 / Matthew 22:37–40 Sermon 9 years ago Discipleship Gospel Purpose When Jesus gives the Great Commission, He says, go, therefore, into all nations and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). He doesn't say go and just share the gospel. In many ways…
Are You Making Disciples or Just Influencing People? Article 9 years ago Discipleship In my own life, I’m recognizing there’s a difference between influence and discipleship. I’ve spent the last 12 years influencing people. Influencing from the pulpit, influencing in meetings, influencing in…