Matthew 14:13-21 / Serve Dei Apr 10, 2011 Brad Bell This year’s journey at The Well is moving our hearts from a “Day” of service to a lifestyle of service for “Dei,” which is Latin for God. Instead of an… Community Generosity God Stories Money Serving
Luke 19:11-27 / Why Are We Here? Apr 3, 2011 Shea Sumlin Why are we here? Jesus tells the parable of the minas, explaining His purpose for us on earth. Jesus has redeemed His church, equipped His followers with the Holy Spirit,… Faith Purpose Redemption Serving
Jonah 4 / I am Jonah - Did he get it? Mar 27, 2011 Brad Bell God is gracious, compassionate and slow to anger. He gave the people of Nineveh a second chance and Jonah was angry that God used him to do it. God grew… Sermon Series Anger Grace
Jonah 3:5-10 / I am Jonah - The City Mar 20, 2011 Jerrod Rumley Jonah gets a second chance, preaches a message, and the people repent. From the greatest to the least, true revival breaks out in Nineveh. God shows that He cares for… Sermon Series
Jonah 3:4 / I am Jonah - The Message Mar 13, 2011 Brad Bell God demands all our attention and all our focus. He is a loving, gracious, gentle and jealous God. There are consequences when you turn your back on God and reject… Sermon Series Faith Grace
Jonah 2:1-3:3 / I am Jonah - Repentance Mar 6, 2011 Brad Bell Our disobedience always hurts other people and always comes at great personal cost. Yet even in our disobedience, God will accomplish his will. God’s calling transcends our personal preference. You… Sermon Series Depression Grace Idolatry Prayer Purpose Serving Suffering
Jonah 1:3-17 / I am Jonah - Obedience Feb 27, 2011 Jerrod Rumley We have all come to the crossroads of major decisions in life. You may entertain the idea of running away from your calling or choose to fulfill it. Jonah could… Sermon Series Fear/Anxiety Hope Missions Purpose Redemption
Jonah 1:1-2 / I am Jonah - Calling Feb 20, 2011 Brad Bell Jonah was called of God to be the voice to a dying world. He had a purpose, a calling, a divine assignment. Instead of obedience, Jonah chose the road of… Sermon Series Purpose
Jonah 1:1-2 / I am Jonah - Introduction Feb 13, 2011 Rick Taylor Jonah is often seen as a children's story. But the reality is that it is a true story by a real person, the Israeli prophet Jonah. The history and culture… Sermon Series Kids Purpose Serving