The Second Coming Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Jesus has a small group bible study with his disciples concerning eschatology, in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Over these three weeks, we looked at the Tribulation, the…
The Great Tribulation Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Jesus has a small group bible study with his disciples concerning eschatology, in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Over these three weeks, we will look at the Tribulation…
The Tribulation Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Jesus has a small group bible study with his disciples concerning eschatology, in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Over the next three weeks, we will look at the…
Overcome Evil with Good Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Race Society/Culture What is the gospel response for how people in a diverse city live out their unity in Christ? When the foundations of law and order are destroyed, where do the…
Eight Woes Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Jesus calls out the religious elite with eight woes that expose their hypocrisy. Their religious experience led people astray because it exalted them instead of the Lord.
Abundant Relationship with God Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Relationships After the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees all fail to disprove Jesus, they send in an expert of the law to test Him. His response illuminates what it truly means to…
Life After Death Affirmed | Matthew 22:23-33 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Marriage Relationships After the Pharisees and Herodian's questioning fails to disprove Jesus, the Sadducees attempt to disprove Him with a hypothetical scenario. Jesus's response confirms that there is life after death and…
Submitting to Two Authorities | Matthew 22:15-22 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel When questioned about paying tax, Jesus’s response shows that two things can be true at the same time. We can both submit to government authority and to God’s ultimate authority…
The Weight of Christ's Authority | Matthew 21:33- 22:14 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel After communicating His authority through the parable of the Two Sons, Jesus reiterates His message with two more parables. Although the invitation is open to all, there is only one…
The Question of Authority | Matthew 21:23-32 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Religious leaders question Jesus in an attempt to undermine His legitimacy and avoid His authority. Jesus introduces a parable that shows accepting His authority is more than a verbal affirmation…
God's Heart for the Nations | Matthew 21:12-21 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Race Society/Culture The cleansing of the temple after the triumphal entry was more than an expression of anger over the religious elite’s greed. Jesus’s deliberate actions show God’s true heart for all…
Then God Sermon 4 years ago God Stories Gospel Redemption The Easter story we celebrate is the most incredible gift God could ever give us: Jesus Christ, our gracious Savior, loved us so much that He came to die for…