The Parable of the Sower / Matthew 13:1-23 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose In the Parable of the Sower, we are introduced to people in various heart stages. There are people whose hearts are so hard they immediately reject the Word of God…
Whoever Does the Father’s Will / Matthew 12:38-50 Sermon 5 years ago Fatherhood Gospel Healing Motherhood Purpose Race Society/Culture After hearing about and witnessing several miracles He had done, the religious people asked for a sign from Jesus. Time after time, Jesus demonstrated authority and told them who He…
Refusing to Believe / Matthew 12:22-37 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose The tension that started with the Pharisees continued to build as Jesus taught. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus completely dismantled their religious system and then performed miracles that…
A Heart of Compassion / Matthew 12:1-21 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose The religious people were all about external behaviors and following the law. When Jesus arrived on the scene, He didn’t fit their expectation of the Messiah because He didn’t follow…
Refreshment in His Presence / Matthew 11:20-30 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Purpose The religious climate in Jesus’ day was full of legalism, laws, regulations and traditions. But Jesus had another way, inviting people into a life of refreshment in His presence. We…
What Do You Do With Your Doubt? / Matthew 11:1-19 Sermon 5 years ago Doubt Gospel Purpose In this passage, we see people questioning and doubting Jesus, but from different postures of heart. The religious people exposed their hardened hearts by their refusal to believe in Jesus…
The Cost of Following Christ / Matthew 10:24-42 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Purpose If we’re going to live as ambassadors in His kingdom, we cannot be friends of the world and living like the world does. When we begin to look more like…
Ambassadors for Christ / Matthew 9:36-10:23 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Purpose As the crowds gathered around Him, Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36). He then called the disciples to be His ambassadors…
The Cloud of Witnesses / Hebrews 11-12 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel God has used the cloud of witnesses, these heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews, to influence others and point generation after generation to Jesus. And even in our brokenness, running…
David / Hebrews 11:32 / 1 Samuel 17 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel When faced with an unfair fight against Goliath, David had faith to believe God for the impossible. He volunteered to fight, believing God would win the battle. Relying on Him…
Gideon / Hebrews 11:32 / Judges 6-8 / 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 Sermon 5 years ago Doubt Faith Gospel Idolatry When the Israelites, because of their own folly and disregard of God, were being oppressed by the Midianites, they cried out to God, and God chose Gideon to help. Though…
Rahab / Hebrews 11:30-31 / Joshua 2,6 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel Though forever branded in the Scriptures as a harlot or prostitute, Rahab is also recognized for her faith in God, which led her to hide the Israelite spies, who later…