Missions Blog

Meet Team Thailand!

April 7, 2014
Stephen Cooley
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Welcome to the Thailand team! You are about to join us for a crazy ride into the lives of Amanda Ardemagni, Ashley Raye Ellis, Chaz Phillips, James Anders, Greg Feaver, David Akina, and Stephen Cooley. The majority of us have never been on an exposure (or missions) trip overseas (except Greg...that stud). All of this is pretty much new, exciting, terrifying, awesome, wonderful, frightening, and flavor-blasted for all of us. We have been learning what it looks like to seek support, what a new culture looks like, and how to invest with people that we are just meeting for the first time.

Our team has been buckling down on fundraising and writing support letters. Thank you everyone who has helped support us. We wouldn't be able to do any of this without your prayers and donations. We have had two fundraisers already. We held an awesome garage sale where we all got to deal and sell wonderful donations from all over. Some awesome banana bread was also sold (Thank you Lizzy). We just finished a tri-tip fundraiser. That one was crazy, but delicious.

Right now our biggest fear as a team has appeared to be not knowing what is going to happen while in Thailand. There is so much potential for what we can do. Our fear is based off of our excitement.

We have had some awesome speakers come through our meetings already and have learned so much. Shea gave us insight as to why we do missions and go overseas, along with what it means to be a disciple. Darlene opened up our eyes to the potential of Thailand and ways to confront conflict (in the octagon, of course). We are excited to dive into God's word more and explore what He has placed before us.

Well that is Thailand for now.

Don't forget...


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