Song of Solomon / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes Apr 21, 2013 Brad Bell This week we close the book on the life of Solomon. We saw his rise to power and the expanse of his influence. Now we look at the three books… Sermon Series Relationships
2 Kings 1-10 (Obadiah) Apr 14, 2013 Jerrod Rumley During an age of kings and kingdoms, prophets stand up in a historically dark time for the people of God, and they speak great truth and insight to a lost… Sermon Series
1 Kings (2 Chronicles) Apr 7, 2013 Brad Bell This week we witness the rise and fall of Solomon. The monarchy dissolves and a revolt occurs, taking 10 tribes to the north under a new king, setting the stage… Sermon Series
Sunday: It Is Finished Mar 31, 2013 Pat Dill My eyes still cannot reconcile what happened. I have never seen a man die so quickly and scream so loudly from the cross. Going out with a roaring cry, it… Sermon Series
Luke 24:1-12 - Then Sunday Came Mar 31, 2013 Brad Bell We have eggs, peeps and the Easter Bunny. But what about Jesus? This year’s Easter experience includes a video series entitled "To Find A Man," and chronicles that final journey… Gospel
Saturday: Mary Magdalene Mar 30, 2013 Pat Dill We destroyed his body and it hung there in blood and gore. Jesus did not save himself and God did nothing. For those who knew him as Lord, was it… Sermon Series
Friday: The Pharisee Mar 29, 2013 Pat Dill His own disciple betrayed him. Followers who had worshipped him days earlier stood by yelling, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Did they finally see Jesus for what he truly was? A… Sermon Series
Thursday: The Owner of the Upper Room Mar 28, 2013 Pat Dill In my travels I have found the owner of the home with the upper room who hosted the Passover feast for Jesus and his disciples. As the disciples entered, they… Sermon Series
Wednesday: The Neighbor of Simon Mar 27, 2013 Pat Dill I'm told a woman kneeled before Jesus like a slave girl and poured out a year's salary worth of a rare, fragrant perfume onto his feet and wiped them with… Sermon Series
Tuesday: The Young Scribe Mar 26, 2013 Pat Dill Jesus was a stone maker from Galilee, a meek man who boldly called Jewish teachers hypocrites. He called them whitewashed tombs, full of bones of the dead. On my journey,… Sermon Series