Acts 3-12 Sep 8, 2013 Brad Bell In the early chapters of Acts we see the birth of the New Testament church. However, the chapters that follow provide insight into the purging and maturation of this fledging… Sermon Series Leadership
Acts 1-2 Sep 1, 2013 Brad Bell This week we dive into the origins, intent and movement of the church. We trace the steps of the two key leaders in the early church (Peter and Paul) and… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Leadership
State of the Church 2013 Aug 25, 2013 Brad Bell Our 2013 State of the Church service at Saroyan Theatre.
I AM, Therefore, We Are / John 15-21 Aug 18, 2013 Brad Bell After hearing the seven I Am statements of Christ, how did the disciples respond? Did they make disciples of all nations? Did they take the gospel to the remotest part… Sermon Series Gospel
I Am the True Vine / John 15:1-9 Aug 11, 2013 PJ Lewis This week we look at the last "I Am" statement in the book of John. In chapter 15, Jesus not only presents Himself as the one true vine, but also… Sermon Series
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life / John 14:1-6 Aug 4, 2013 Sam Freshwater As a follower of Christ, what do you do with society’s strategy that is trying to confine religious faith to the private world, with the attitude that all religions are… Sermon Series Faith
I Am the Resurrection and the Life / John 11:24-27 Jul 28, 2013 Christian Warne Lazarus had died, and Mary and Martha informed Jesus about his death. Instead of tending to him right away, Jesus waited. He waited not because He didn't care, but because… Sermon Series Healing
I Am the Good Shepherd / John 10:11-18 Jul 21, 2013 Brad Bell Do you hear the voices in our world calling for your attention? The phone is constantly ringing, emails continue to arrive, meetings come and go, days turn into weeks, then… Sermon Series Peace
I Am the Door / John 10:1-10 Jul 14, 2013 Jerrod Rumley Claiming to be a door may not seem significant in our day and age. It might even get you labeled insane. But this was not the case for first century… Sermon Series Leadership Purpose
I Am the Light of the World / John 8:12-19 Jul 7, 2013 Sam Freshwater Jesus is the light, and the light reveals where we are and directs us where we need to be. Are we walking in darkness or living in the light? Sermon Series