AOD / Relationships Feb 2, 2014 Shea Sumlin Our God is a relational God, and as His image bearers, we were created to be relational beings. Unfortunately, our sin often gets in the way and creates tension and… Sermon Series Community Relationships
AOD / Morality Jan 26, 2014 PJ Lewis It would be great if everything in life could be black and white, clearly right or wrong all the time, but that isn't the case. The Bible reveals black and… Sermon Series Bible Race Society/Culture
AOD / Generosity Jan 19, 2014 Shea Sumlin As followers of Christ and image bearers of God, we were both created and saved to be a generous people. Unfortunately, many of us exhibit quite the opposite as we… Sermon Series Generosity Money
AOD / The Core Jan 12, 2014 Rick Taylor God is in the process of changing our hearts to be more Humbly Submitted and our minds to be more Biblically Formed, like Jesus. The question is, are you aware… Sermon Series Bible
The Anatomy of a Disciple Overview / 2 Peter 1:3-15 / Philippians 2:12-13 Jan 5, 2014 Brad Bell This week we explore the foundations of The Anatomy of a Disciple and see how these principles can help reset our spiritual lives as we head into the New Year.… Sermon Series Discipleship
Vintage Christmas Dec 22, 2013 Brad Bell Nothing takes you back in time like Christmas. The question is, how far back do you go? Is it back to Grandmas's pumpkin pie, Christmas trees and carols with the…
Revelation Dec 15, 2013 Brad Bell The book of Revelation has caused much concern over the speculation of what is to come, but amidst all the panic and conspiracy theories lies the heart of the entire… Sermon Series
1, 2, 3 John / Jude Dec 8, 2013 Shea Sumlin Throughout the Bible, two of the most distinguishing marks of Christ's followers are truth and love. There are dozens and dozens of commands in the Bible for God's people to… Sermon Series Bible Gospel
1, 2 Peter Dec 1, 2013 Brad Bell Tucked deep in the later portions of the New Testament are eight short chapters written by the Apostle Peter. Remarkably the letters are void of the brash, impetuous, pride-filled tone… Sermon Series Suffering
1, 2 Timothy / Titus Nov 24, 2013 Brad Bell Have you ever sat with someone close to death and listened to their last words? If you have, you know the tremendous weight someone’s final thoughts carry with them. Those… Sermon Series Faith Leadership