Learning From the Early Church Sermon 5 years ago Community Gospel Serving The early church engaged with people in their city in a profound way. They were aware of what people were experiencing and got involved to meet their needs. Since The…
Community by God's Design Sermon 6 years ago Community Gospel Relationships If you’ve ever felt like a stranger in a roomful of people, our desire is that you would not feel that here. We would love to help you get connected…
Serve Fresno 2018 Recap Article 6 years ago Community Serving This April we joined 17 other churches throughout the Valley to participate in 80 different projects for Serve Fresno week. These are some of the highlights of the week.
Serve Fresno ENP Bus Tour Video/Audio 7 years ago Community Serving Brad encourages Life Group Leaders as they head out to a tour of the city with Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP) in preparation for Serve Fresno. The hope in Serve…
Members of the Body of Christ / 1 Corinthians 12:7-12 Sermon 7 years ago Bible Community Faith Gospel Grace Money Prayer Purpose Serving As followers of Christ, we each have a role to play and are called together into the body of Christ, the church. We have a responsibility, a shared commitment and…
Stories of Our People: Brian King Story 7 years ago Addiction Community God Stories Jesus turns empty lives into extraordinary ones, reaching for the low and lifting them up, even transforming drug dealers into inner-city missionaries. And when we’re willing to commit to kingdom…
Immigration Through the Lens of Exodus Article 8 years ago Community Faith Society/Culture Immigration has been making national and international news headlines. As The Well takes a journey through the book of Exodus, there is no better time to examine what this narrative…
Mommy Wonder Article 8 years ago Adoption Community Kids Parenting Society/Culture Adoption is funny. It’s one of those things you won’t fully understand until it’s happens, like marriage, being a parent, being a certain profession, or [fill in the blank]. Here…
Personal and Communal Transformation / Hebrews 10:19-25 Sermon 8 years ago Community Faith Gospel Hope God is a God of community. He is a communal being, and He created mankind to experience community with Him. In fact, the heart of the gospel shows us a…
Us vs. Them: The Need for Unity in the Church Article 8 years ago Community Faith Race Society/Culture If there is anything that has become apparent in the latest national and political season, it is that we are a divided nation, politically and racially. If you don’t trust…
Wellfest 2016 Article 8 years ago Community Fun Fun games, yummy food, dunk tanks, people from all campuses enjoying time together, and Brad Bell in a cake eating contest. This was Wellfest 2016.
Reading, Preaching and Teaching the Word / 1 Timothy 4:13 Sermon 8 years ago Bible Community The Word of God drives our gatherings. But when we talk about the importance of the Word of God in community, it’s not just about the Bible being communicated; it’s…