Embracing the Gospel Over Time Sermon 3 years ago Bible Faith Gospel Embracing the gospel is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life. Today we discuss sanctification and what it looks like to embrace the gospel over time. Interested in…
Embracing the Gospel at a Point in Time Sermon 3 years ago Faith Gospel Embracing the gospel is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life. Today we discuss justification and what it looks like to embrace the gospel at a point in…
Foundations Sermon Series 3 years ago Bible Faith Gospel Our summer teaching series this year is called Foundations. We’re studying together 8 Foundational practices essential to pursuing ongoing health and wholeness in our relationship with Christ. These practices are not…
Waiting in Faith Sermon 4 years ago Faith Through difficulty, God produces in us that which we would never have seen without trial. When Abraham finds a wife for his son Issac, we can glean principles about waiting…
Where is the Lamb? Sermon 4 years ago Faith Gospel Grace If one verse summarizes the entire Old Testament, it is this: "Where is the lamb?" When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, Abraham trusted that God would…
True Blessing Sermon 4 years ago Faith After Abraham repented and returned from Egypt, God blessed him during his moment of submission. We see that true blessing is not material treasure, but rather God Himself. Through Christ…
When Faith Falters Sermon 4 years ago Faith Immediately after demonstrating an incredible act of faith by leaving his homeland, we see Abraham falter and fail when he tries to escape famine by going to Egypt. Through it…
The Abrahamic Covenant Sermon 4 years ago Faith In Abraham's first refining moment, he leaves his homeland following the call of God. The Abrahamic Covenant shows us that even when Abraham demonstrates only partial obedience, God is still…
Finding Hope in Election Chaos Article 4 years ago Faith Fear/Anxiety Society/Culture An encouragement for Christians this election season.
Shadows of Redemption Sermon 4 years ago Faith Redemption The book of Ruth is a gift of God's providence and love. Ruth's redemption by Boaz is a shadow of the full-color picture of Christ's redemption for us. We are…
Redemption on the Threshing Floor Sermon 4 years ago Faith Redemption Relationships Naomi instructs Ruth to visit Boaz on the threshing room floor. Through their exchange, we witness the relationship between Ruth and Boaz flourish despite the brokenness surrounding them. Their meeting…
Sovereignty & Goodness Sermon 4 years ago Anger Faith Redemption Throughout the Book of Ruth, one thing that is abundantly clear is the providence of God. From the beginning, we see that an important element of God's providence is the…