Extravagant Worship / Mark 14:1-11 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Money Worship Just days before the crucifixion, Mark takes us to an intimate dinner scene in Bethany with Jesus and His closest friends. In the midst of dinner, Mary, sister of Lazarus…
Things to Come / Mark 13:1-37 Sermon 9 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Suffering In this passage, Jesus begins teaching and preparing His disciples concerning future events (both near and distant) that will occur. Some of these events are painful realities, such as the…
A Question of Authority / Mark 11:27-12:44 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Where did Jesus receive His authority? After craftily backing the religious leaders into a proverbial corner, Jesus refuses to answer their question. On the heels of this iteration, Jesus then…
Making Room for Jesus / Mark 11:1-26 Sermon 9 years ago Anger Faith Gospel Prayer Worship Jesus begins the Passion Week with the most remarkable of entrances. Everything He does is intentional and focused. During this time, He makes some strong accusations toward the religious people…
The Great Reversal / Mark 10:13-52 Sermon 9 years ago Faith Gospel Kids Serving In a world where rulers use their subjects as stepping stones to personal success and greatness, Jesus has something else to say. Leadership at its core is not about greatness…
The Meaning of Marriage / Mark 10:1-12 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Marriage Relationships Women Debates on the definition and meaning of marriage and divorce were just as heated in Jesus’ day as they are now. There were many divisions over what grounds were permissible…
The Cost of Following the Servant / Mark 8:34-9:50 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Prayer After letting His disciples know what it will cost Him to bring us salvation, Jesus teaches us what it will cost us to follow Him. And we find that it…
Who Do You Say That I Am? / Mark 8:1-33 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Healing Serving After lecturing and training His disciples, Jesus has given them multiple lab settings to follow Him. In this message, Jesus asks the most important question the disciples could ever answer…
The Gospel vs. Religion / Mark 7:1-37 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Out of all the enemies and challenges Jesus has faced thus far in Mark's Gospel, probably the greatest one is that of religion: man's attempt to justify or sanctify himself…
Sufficient in Christ / Mark 6:1-56 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Healing Two of the most well known miracles in the Bible are “The Feeding of the 5,000” and “Jesus Walking on Water.” Both the churched and unchurched alike are generally aware…
What Kind of Dirt Are You? / Mark 4:1-41 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Jesus teaches in Mark 4 that there are four types of soil, and every person falls into one of these types. But as we look more closely, we see the…
Healings and Questions / Mark 2:1-3:12 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Healing Jesus' fame has spread through the land, and now He has returned to His home base for ministry in Galilee. He has multiple encounters with people through healing but addresses…