Church Membership / 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 / Romans 12:4-5 Jun 3, 2018 Brad Bell For us, membership is not about receiving benefits from a denomination for the number of members we have. It’s about the elders knowing who they are responsible for and the… Grace
Laboring Well / 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 May 27, 2018 Shea Sumlin Paul’s number one priority was the spread of the gospel, and he asks for prayer that nothing would hinder it. He also speaks to the issue of some of the… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Grace Hope Missions
Living From the Inside Out / 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 May 20, 2018 Josh Hawley In the midst of relentless temptation, intense persecution and false teaching that even led some Thessalonian believers to think God had abandoned them, the Apostle Paul speaks truth about the… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Hope Missions
Tethered to the Truth / 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 May 13, 2018 Shea Sumlin The Thessalonians were starting to believe lies about the return of Christ, thinking maybe He had already come and they had missed it, or their suffering was the wrath that… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Hope Men Missions Motherhood
Encouraged to Endure / 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 May 6, 2018 Brad Bell Paul’s heart comes through in this letter as he cares for the church at Thessalonica and encourages the people in the midst of their suffering. He speaks to their faith… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Hope Missions
Created for Good Works / Ephesians 2:8-10 Apr 29, 2018 Josh Hawley First God works in us. Then He works through us, because we were created for good works. Believers are in for a lifetime of servanthood, and Jesus was our ultimate… Sermon Series Serving
The City of God Among the City of Man / Jeremiah 29:1-7 Apr 22, 2018 Shea Sumlin The ancient church father, Augustine, once asked, "What does it mean for the city of God to dwell amidst the city of man?" For much of church history, we've been… Sermon Series Gospel Peace Prayer Serving
The Great Commandment / Matthew 22:36-40 Apr 15, 2018 Mike Slayden Loving our neighbor is part of loving God. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive; they are inseparable. People can see our love of God by how we love others.… Sermon Series Serving
Who's the Greatest? / Matthew 20:20-28 Apr 8, 2018 Brad Bell Jesus is our ultimate example of what it means to be great. He shows us by His life and words that greatness is defined by serving others in love. Sermon Series Serving
Eternity in Our Hearts / John 3:16-17 Apr 1, 2018 Brad Bell We all have a void inside us, and we all look for a way to fill it. Some try to fill it with relationships, pornography, drugs or something else, but… Gospel