1 Corinthians 5:1-2 / When In Rome Jan 22, 2012 Brad Bell Where does immorality come from and why is it such a vice for so many? This issue of immorality has completely infiltrated the church and has compromised our holiness, thus… Addiction Marriage Relationships Sexuality
1 Corinthians 4:14-21 / Tough Love Jan 15, 2012 PJ Lewis Loving people isn’t about telling them what they want to hear; it’s telling them what they need to hear – in a spirit of gentleness. Paul writes tough words of… Fatherhood Kids Shame Suffering
1 Corinthians 4:1-13 / What Did You Expect? Jan 9, 2012 Brad Bell For many, faith in Christ comes with a myriad of expectations. Some of these are driven by a healthy understanding of the scriptures, yet others are propelled by a worldly… Faith Gospel Money Serving Suffering
Colossians 3:12-17 / Love "ONE" Another Jan 1, 2012 Jerrod Rumley This passage in Colossians is a highly descriptive admonishment for us to give thanks, be biblical, let peace rule, love, forgive, forebear, and remember that we are saints. This doesn’t… Bible Peace
Matthew 1:18-2:12 / The Greatest Gift Dec 18, 2011 Brad Bell Few things come close to the nostalgia and traditions of Christmas. Gifts, lights, Santa, and festive decor mark our communities as the season sets in, capturing the hearts and imaginations… Fear/Anxiety Kids Money Worship
1 Corinthians 3:10-23 Dec 11, 2011 Brad Bell There was major division in the Corinthian church because the people of Corinth distanced themselves from the exclusive doctrine of Christ alone. Paul admonishes them and cautions those who would… Gospel Grace
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Dec 4, 2011 Jerrod Rumley What does spiritual growth looks like? The Corinthian church was acting like spiritual "babies," dependent on other men for their nourishment. Paul calls them to maturity, telling them to stop…
1 Corinthians 2:6-16 Nov 28, 2011 PJ Lewis There is a wisdom that shows us true insight in life, but it does not come from human nature; the source is the Holy Spirit. This wisdom reveals the truth…
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Nov 20, 2011 Jerrod Rumley Redemption, justification and sanctification all take place in the powerful moment of salvation. Once we are reborn, we depend on that power to penetrate our lives in all that we… Faith Fear/Anxiety Gospel Redemption
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Nov 13, 2011 Brad Bell In an information age, knowledge is power. The concept of God, His incarnation, and the redeeming work of Jesus Christ are disregarded and set aside as fanciful religious notions. Our… Faith Gospel Redemption