1 Corinthians 11:17-34 / Mishandled Communion Jun 10, 2012 Brad Bell Paul speaks to the Corinthian church about Communion and how they were eating it in an unworthy manner and were not examining their hearts before taking it. We’ll take a…
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 / The Controversy of Head Coverings Jun 3, 2012 Brad Bell God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of… Leadership Marriage Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship
1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 / Becoming More Morally Discerning May 27, 2012 PJ Lewis How do we navigate our way through the grey areas in life – the areas the Bible doesn't clearly address? Paul shows how we can apply some foundational principles in…
1 Corinthians 10:1-22 / Behavior, Affections, and Idolatry: The Seduction of the Heart May 20, 2012 Brad Bell What comes first? Our behaviors or our beliefs? Paul explains that our behaviors, actions and decisions are a reflection of something deeper within us. They are an indicator of not… Idolatry Sexuality
1 Corinthians 9:19-27 / All Things To All Men May 13, 2012 Jerrod Rumley What does it mean to surrender our rights and become "all things to all men"? Paul brings clarity to our rights and freedoms in how we interact with a lost… Gospel Serving
1 Corinthians 9:1-19 / Rights, Freedoms and Love May 6, 2012 Brad Bell Paul gives a personal example of how he sets aside his rights for the sake of greater influence to those around him. He demonstrates the importance of considering others as… Gospel Money Serving
1 Corinthians 8 / Letting Love Outweigh My Rights Apr 29, 2012 PJ Lewis Our relationship with God is based on love, and how we display this love to others matters. We know we have freedom in Christ, but our love for Him and… Idolatry Relationships
1 Corinthians 7:25-40 / Rethinking Singleness Apr 22, 2012 Jerrod Rumley Paul speaks highly of singles because they have the freedom to focus entirely on Christ. But our culture has subtly and incorrectly defined singleness for us, leaving a bad connotation… Relationships
1 Corinthians 7:17-24 / Living Out God's Calling...Right Now Apr 15, 2012 PJ Lewis Paul reminds the Corinthian church – and us – that God's call in our lives is not so much what we end up doing, but who we are and who… Purpose
1 Corinthians 15 / The Empty Tomb Apr 8, 2012 Brad Bell In 1 Corinthians 3:15, Paul says this gospel he is speaking of to the people of Corinth is “of first importance.” As much as we hear about the death and…