1 Corinthians 14:6-33 / Tongues Part 2 Oct 28, 2012 Brad Bell Should we speak in tongues during a church gathering? Are tongues understood languages or private languages known only to God? Are these gifts operable today? If so, how should they… Money
1 Corinthians 14 1-5 / Tongues Part 1 Oct 21, 2012 Jerrod Rumley Paul takes much time to correct the thinking of the Corinthian church, where their desire was an individual abuse of a manifestation of the Spirit. He explains that it should… Prayer Worship
1 Corinthians 13:8-13 / The Abiding Nature of Love Oct 14, 2012 PJ Lewis As Paul continues the discussion of spiritual gifts, he makes it clear in chapter 13 that we must operate out of love for others. The goal in our relationships is… Faith Hope Kids Relationships
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8 / The Enduring Nature of Love Oct 7, 2012 Brad Bell "And I will show you a still more excellent way." What is there to be sought above prophecy, apostleship, teaching, tongues, healing, and the other spiritual gifts? Shouldn't we be… Faith Hope
1 Corinthians 12:27-30 / Where We All Fit In Sep 30, 2012 PJ Lewis This week, we continue our discussion about spiritual gifts, taking note of how God has arranged and prioritized specific gifted people in order to make the entire body function properly… Healing
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 / One Body, Many Members Sep 23, 2012 Jerrod Rumley The text brings to life the reality that individualism and isolationism cannot exist in a church body. God has uniquely arranged the local body to be one unit with many…
1 Corinthians 12:8-11 / As He Wills Sep 16, 2012 Brad Bell After discussing the pagan nature of Corinth and their many gods, we explore the spiritual gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. These verses generate a partial list of… Faith Healing Money
1 Corinthians 12:1-7 / Various, Yet Same Sep 9, 2012 Brad Bell There are few issues that have caused more division in the body of Christ than spiritual gifts. Failure to recognize the appropriate source and use of our spiritual gifts has… Bible Money Serving
1 Corinthians 1 - 11 / Previously in 1 Corinthians... Sep 2, 2012 PJ Lewis The Corinthian church was struggling with relationships, divisions, boasting, lawsuits against each other, immorality, their social statuses (or lack thereof), giving up their rights, their conduct during church gatherings, and… Sexuality
State of the Church X Aug 26, 2012 Brad Bell State of the Church X marks our 10 year anniversary as a church. Learn about where we see God leading us over the next 10 years with online groups, internships,…