In the Waiting Sermon 3 years ago Doubt Hope Suffering After waiting through years of desolation, Joseph is exalted into one of the most powerful positions in Egypt. In our waiting, the Lord is working in us so that He…
God Is With You Sermon 3 years ago Hope Josephs's life had many ups and downs, but scripture reiterates that God was with him always. Even today, whether you find yourself in a time of consolation or a time…
Then God - Ka'eo Yoshikawa Story 4 years ago Abuse Fear/Anxiety God Stories Gospel Hope Students God saved you by His grace, and is continually transforming you for His Glory and for your good. Be encouraged as people of The Well share their personal stories of…
Manasseh / 2 Chronicles 33:1-20 Sermon 6 years ago Grace Hope Idolatry Redemption King Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah, one of the godliest kings to ever sit on the throne in Jerusalem. Yet Manasseh is regarded as the most evil king to…
Laboring Well / 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Hope Missions Paul’s number one priority was the spread of the gospel, and he asks for prayer that nothing would hinder it. He also speaks to the issue of some of the…
Living From the Inside Out / 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions In the midst of relentless temptation, intense persecution and false teaching that even led some Thessalonian believers to think God had abandoned them, the Apostle Paul speaks truth about the…
Tethered to the Truth / 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Men Missions Motherhood The Thessalonians were starting to believe lies about the return of Christ, thinking maybe He had already come and they had missed it, or their suffering was the wrath that…
Encouraged to Endure / 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Paul’s heart comes through in this letter as he cares for the church at Thessalonica and encourages the people in the midst of their suffering. He speaks to their faith…
Live in Light of Who You Are / 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Kids Missions Parenting In this text, the parenting side of Paul comes out as he calls the Thessalonians to live in light of who they are. He gives 17 imperative commands, and while…