Life in Community / John 17 Sermon 5 years ago Community Gospel Serving Of all the ways God could have revealed Himself, Jesus chose a small group environment where He and His disciples did life together and ministered to those around them. With…
Serve FresnoThe Gospel on Display Sermon Series 5 years ago Serving When we raise our affections to God as our ultimate pursuit and allow Him to transform us while being connected to each other in community, our hearts are changed. And…
Learning From the Early Church Sermon 5 years ago Community Gospel Serving The early church engaged with people in their city in a profound way. They were aware of what people were experiencing and got involved to meet their needs. Since The…
The Leper and the Centurion / Matthew 8:1-13 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel Healing Serving After Jesus finishes the Sermon on the Mount, we begin to see some of the people’s responses to what they heard. The leper knelt before Christ and asked to be…
What Do You Treasure? / Matthew 6:19-24 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Purpose Serving Whatever demands our heart and whatever we desire will be what we are devoted to and ultimately serve. As Christ-followers we like to say we value God, but our actions…
Serve Fresno 2018 Recap Article 6 years ago Community Serving This April we joined 17 other churches throughout the Valley to participate in 80 different projects for Serve Fresno week. These are some of the highlights of the week.
Created for Good Works / Ephesians 2:8-10 Sermon 6 years ago Serving First God works in us. Then He works through us, because we were created for good works. Believers are in for a lifetime of servanthood, and Jesus was our ultimate…
The City of God Among the City of Man / Jeremiah 29:1-7 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Peace Prayer Serving The ancient church father, Augustine, once asked, "What does it mean for the city of God to dwell amidst the city of man?" For much of church history, we've been…
The Great Commandment / Matthew 22:36-40 Sermon 6 years ago Serving Loving our neighbor is part of loving God. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive; they are inseparable. People can see our love of God by how we love others.…
Serve Fresno Sermon Series 6 years ago Serving There’s something powerful about people whose hearts have been changed, who speak and live the gospel, because the proclamation of good news is amplified by good deeds that therefore bring…