Lament / Psalm 64 Jun 26, 2016 Dave Hawes When pain and fear come crashing into our world, we tend to run in one of three directions: away from God, at God or to God. The power of lament… Sermon Series Fear/Anxiety
Praise / Psalm 138 Jun 19, 2016 Josh Hawley Life is hard, but God is with us in every circumstance. Praising Him for who He is and what He has done for us doesn't necessarily mean our circumstances will… Sermon Series Faith
Intro to the Psalms / Psalm 91 Jun 12, 2016 Brad Bell In the midst of difficult times, have you ever asked yourself, “Where is God?” The psalmists have. The author of Psalm 91 begins the journey of understanding circumstances by first… Sermon Series Faith Peace
Power in Celebration / 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Jun 5, 2016 Brad Bell As we experience celebrations and moments in life, let’s pause and take intentionality in them, allowing the Holy Spirit to move and work, rather than letting the moments slip by.… Faith Gospel Kids Parenting Purpose
Why We Submit to the Scriptures / 2 Peter 3:11-18 May 29, 2016 Brad Bell In some ways, 2 Peter ends on a hard note. It’s a picture of what’s to come in the end, and Peter challenges his readers and us today to live… Sermon Series Gospel Grace Peace Society/Culture
Patience for All to Repent / 2 Peter 3:1-10 May 22, 2016 PJ Lewis It is the relentless love God has for people that brings out another of His characteristics: His relentless nature to punish. This may not be talked about often, but the… Sermon Series Society/Culture
The Importance of the Scriptures / 2 Peter 2:10-22 May 15, 2016 Brad Bell The Scriptures are so important that Peter continues to speak on the Word of God by way of reminder. He paints a picture of what the lives of people look… Sermon Series Bible Gospel Grace Men
Why Read the Bible? / 2 Peter 1:20-2:10 May 8, 2016 PJ Lewis The Bible. Almost all of us have at least one. But do we really know what we have? The words of God. The Bible is the source of direction and… Sermon Series Gospel Men
A Promise Made Sure / 2 Peter 1:12-19 May 1, 2016 Shea Sumlin After spending the first 11 verses of this letter explaining the beauty and power of the gospel to save us, sustain us and sanctify us, Peter takes the time to… Sermon Series Gospel Grace
The Joy of Obedience / 2 Peter 1:5-11 Apr 24, 2016 Brad Bell Peter calls his audience to actively participate in their salvation and sanctification in response to what God has already done. He is speaking to believers who have forgotten God has… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Purpose