For the Spread of the Gospel / Colossians 4:2-6 Nov 13, 2016 Shea Sumlin After spending a chapter showing us how Christians are to conduct themselves in their relationships within the household of God, Paul turns his attention to how Christians should conduct themselves… Sermon Series Gospel Grace Missions Prayer
Interacting Well With Others / Colossians 3:15-4:1 Nov 6, 2016 Brad Bell Now that we have a new life in Christ that is continually being renewed by Him, what does it look like to live that life, and how does it influence… Sermon Series Gospel Kids Marriage Peace Relationships Serving
The Character of the True Team / Colossians 3:1-14 Oct 30, 2016 DJ Criner As believers, we have been drafted onto the team of the true King. God took us from our old life and gave us a new one in Christ Jesus. This… Sermon Series Gospel
Substance Over Shadows / Colossians 2:16-23 Oct 23, 2016 Shea Sumlin After walking the church through the importance of the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ in all things, Paul gives a warning for the church to ensure they guard against… Sermon Series Gospel Worship
God Is Still at Work in Us / Colossians 2:6-15 Oct 16, 2016 Brad Bell Paul explains to his readers in this passage that a proper view of Jesus will influence the way they live. A proper understanding of theology will work its way out… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Missions Relationships
Ministers of the Mystery / Colossians 1:24-2:5 Oct 9, 2016 Shea Sumlin The Apostle Paul expands on the hope that is found in the gospel, as he turns very personal, explaining the nature of his work and his reasons for doing it.… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Money
The Uniqueness of Christ / Colossians 1:15-23 Oct 2, 2016 Brad Bell This section of Scripture gives a strong Christology message, providing us with a better understanding of the uniqueness of Christ, which then gives us a better understanding of the uniqueness… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Hope
The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ in the World / Colossians 1:1-14 Sep 25, 2016 Shea Sumlin In the first century, the church at Colossae (in modern day Turkey) was under attack from false teachers seeking to persuade them that the person and work of Jesus Christ… Sermon Series Faith Gospel Grace Prayer Redemption
State of the Church 2016 Sep 18, 2016 Brad Bell We are celebrating what God has done this past year and where The Well is following Him next during State of the Church 2016.
Live the Word / Luke 14:25-35 / Mark 12:29-31 Sep 4, 2016 Brad Bell Historically, the church assembling has been about speaking into one another’s lives, praying for one another and challenging one another to be about what God calls us to be about… Sermon Series Gospel