Live the Word / Luke 14:25-35 / Mark 12:29-31 Sep 4, 2016 Brad Bell Historically, the church assembling has been about speaking into one another’s lives, praying for one another and challenging one another to be about what God calls us to be about… Sermon Series Gospel
Seeing the Word / Exodus 11-12 / 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 / Colossians 2:11-14 Aug 28, 2016 Shea Sumlin God's Word shows us the clear importance of reading, teaching, preaching, praying and singing His Word when it comes to the local gathering of His church. But did you know… Sermon Series Gospel
Singing the Word / Colossians 3:15-16 Aug 21, 2016 Brad Bell You may not notice it if you aren’t looking for it, but singing is everywhere in the Scriptures. As the people of God, we have a privilege and responsibility to… Sermon Series Faith Worship
Praying the Word / Acts 4:23-31 Aug 14, 2016 Shea Sumlin The Word of God exhorts and church history demonstrates that one of the unique elements that should define a church's weekly gathering is our commitment to praying the Word together.… Sermon Series Gospel Grace Prayer
Reading, Preaching and Teaching the Word / 1 Timothy 4:13 Aug 7, 2016 Brad Bell The Word of God drives our gatherings. But when we talk about the importance of the Word of God in community, it’s not just about the Bible being communicated; it’s… Sermon Series Bible Community
Trust / Psalm 63 Jul 31, 2016 Chris Schultz All that matters to David was taken away in an instant; his power, his position, his popularity and his prosperity have been removed, and he finds himself in the wilderness… Sermon Series
Thanksgiving / Psalm 32 Jul 24, 2016 Josh Hawley In Psalm 32 David describes the blessings of God's forgiveness of sin, which comes after the pain of conviction and the humility of our confession. God is with us always,… Sermon Series Prayer
Wisdom / Psalm 1 Jul 17, 2016 Brad Bell When we think of being blessed (or #blessed), we generally think of having stuff. However, Psalm 1 defines what the blessed life really is from a spiritual context, saying it’s… Sermon Series
Royal / Psalm 20 Jul 10, 2016 Brad Bell Psalm 20 is a fascinating pre-battle Psalm of David. As they prepared to go to battle, the troops would recite and sing this Psalm, boasting in the Lord for what… Sermon Series Gospel Prayer Purpose
Hymns / Psalm 121 Jul 3, 2016 Brad Bell In Psalm 121, the psalmist asks and answers the question, “Where does my help come from?” Where do you look for help? Do you lift your eyes up to the… Sermon Series Peace