Submission in a Hostile World / 1 Peter 2:11-25 Jan 31, 2016 Shea Sumlin Thus far in this letter, Peter has shown us how the gospel drives our vertical identity as Christians, set apart by God, living distinctly as aliens and exiles in a… Sermon Series Gospel
A People for God’s Own Possession / 1 Peter 2:1-10 Jan 24, 2016 Brad Bell What does it look like to be a faith community that is surrounded by those who are opposed to the things of God? If our hearts have been made pure,… Sermon Series Fear/Anxiety Gospel
Grace-Empowered Holiness / 1 Peter 1:13-25 Jan 17, 2016 Shea Sumlin Writing to Christians who find themselves exiles and aliens suffering for Christ in this present world, Peter has encouraged us to stand firm in the grace provided for us through… Sermon Series Gospel Grace Suffering
Patient Endurance / 1 Peter 1:3-12 Jan 10, 2016 Brad Bell Jesus did not come to earth to make things easy for Christians. As followers of Christ, we aren’t promised comfort; we’re promised persecution. But it is our perseverance and endurance… Sermon Series Grace Worship
Introduction to 1 Peter / 1 Peter 1:1-2 Jan 3, 2016 PJ Lewis Suffering is a part of life. Whether it's connected to where we live or work, or who we live or work with, there will be hard times. But it’s not… Sermon Series Suffering
This Is a Church / Hebrews 10:21-25 / Acts 2:42-47 / Ephesians 2:8-10 Dec 27, 2015 Brad Bell At its very foundation, the purpose of a church is to train and equip people to be and make disciples. So as the people of God, we’re going to pray,… Community Money Prayer Purpose Worship
The Word Made Flesh / John 1:1-5,14-18 Dec 20, 2015 Chris Schultz The Gospel of John begins very differently from the other Gospel accounts. While Matthew and Luke start with the nativity scene, John sets the cosmos as his backdrop: "In the…
Preparing for an Advent / 1 Peter 1:10-12 / Hebrews 9:28 Dec 13, 2015 Shea Sumlin The Christmas season is upon us, and like so many in our culture, these weeks leading up to Christmas can come with a frantic pace, and if we're not careful… Grace
What Does the Lord Require? / Micah 6:1-8 Dec 6, 2015 Jerrod Rumley In a time when life was rough, Micah had a message for the people of God. The enemy was at the gate. Assyria was knocking on the door of the… Leadership Redemption
The Well: A Paradigm Shift / Acts 11:19-30 Nov 22, 2015 Brad Bell We’ve learned a lot in this series, but if that knowledge never makes it from our heads to our hearts, we’ve missed it. So many of us have become spectators… Sermon Series Discipleship Leadership Missions