The King / Exodus 19:5-6 / Philippians 2:10–11 Nov 15, 2015 Brad Bell Who is Jesus, really? Jesus is the King. He is the Savior. He is the way, the truth and the life. And He wasn't lying when He said no one… Sermon Series Gospel
Discipleship / 1 Corinthians 11:1 / Matthew 22:37–40 Nov 8, 2015 Brad Bell When Jesus gives the Great Commission, He says, go, therefore, into all nations and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). He doesn't say go and just share the gospel. In many ways,… Sermon Series Discipleship Gospel Purpose
Generous / 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 / Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-35 Nov 1, 2015 Shea Sumlin As Christ's church and image bearers of God, we were both created and saved to be a generous people. Unfortunately, due to our own sin, as well as being immersed… Sermon Series Generosity Gospel Money
Gathering / Hebrews 10:19-25 Oct 25, 2015 Shea Sumlin Since the beginning of time, God has been about gathering His people to delight and worship in His presence. For centuries, God's people would gather three times a year in… Sermon Series Gospel Redemption Worship
Suffering / Job / Revelation 2:10 Oct 18, 2015 Brad Bell When Jesus talks of suffering and what He's going to endure, the disciples don’t quite get the concept of endurance. Yet with a righted view of Jesus and the Spirit… Sermon Series Gospel Relationships
Evangelism / Romans 10:13-15 / Acts 1:8 Oct 11, 2015 Shea Sumlin In the book of Acts, we see a radical shift take place in the disciples' willingness to go public with their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout… Sermon Series Evangelism Gospel
The Word / Joshua 1:8 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Oct 4, 2015 Brad Bell When the church begins to meet, the first thing they do is spend time in their Bibles. This faith community is deeply ingrained in the Word. Pharisees, scribes and religious… Sermon Series Bible Gospel
Prayer / Luke 11:1 / Matthew 6:5-13 Sep 27, 2015 Brad Bell The disciples only asked Jesus to help them understand one thing. They didn't ask how He did miracles or walked on water. They asked that He teach them to pray.… Sermon Series Community Gospel Prayer
The Holy Spirit / Matthew 28:18-20 / Acts 1-2 Sep 20, 2015 Brad Bell Jesus tells the disciples they will receive power when the Spirit comes upon them, and they are going to be His witnesses. It's only by the movement of the Holy… Sermon Series Gospel
A Paradigm Shift / Mark 16 / John 21:15-22 Sep 13, 2015 Brad Bell Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Peter, like the other disciples and those who followed Jesus, knew intellectually who Jesus was. But he didn't understand the bigness of who He was.… Sermon Series Gospel